Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • realfilippogoa
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 10 vuotta sitten


    as per now, you are the winner for me.
    There are some changes on the logo I would like to see:
    But I need to make a JPG in order to show them to you

    Do you know how I can do this?

    • 10 vuotta sitten
    1. zetabyte
      • 10 vuotta sitten

      Hello, thank you for your message! All you have to do is hover your mouse on the image and "right click", then "Save picture as". The image is already a jpeg. It's just a matter of you saving it onto your computer. Hope this helps. Yes of course, I will make those changes for you as soon as I receive your instructions. Thank you!

      • 10 vuotta sitten