Freelancer: sanadiv
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Hi there, This is Sanad, a website developer and designer I have created this website using Elementor / Astra Theme The website is designed as per your form, using same colors / fonts Maybe there are slight differences, which I would say lets improve the form style a little bit Here is a live demo: Hope that you like it, and plz let me know if you would like to do any modification, The website is ready to be installed to your wordpres site. Have a great day Sanad,

Kilpailutyö #23 kilpailussa                                                 Design a new page for our new blog about electronic music production.

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • composersland
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 2 vuotta sitten

    Ok Sanad. This concept is close to our forum BUT you need to develop your wireframing. Wireframe should not be the same of Xenforo. This is completely the same. Colors and background are ok, but in a blog we need much more than this. Like ads, sliders, caregories, etc. AND our logo is not there. There's no header at all. Needs a lot of improvement

    • 2 vuotta sitten
    1. sanadiv
      • 2 vuotta sitten

      Hello there, thanks for your reply, for some reasons the header didnt come in the image I uploded.. but plz check the url here:

      • 2 vuotta sitten
    2. sanadiv
      • 2 vuotta sitten

      I will work on it and I will add Ads, Sliders, and few other sections..

      • 2 vuotta sitten