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$35 USD / tunti
Maan  lippu
Netherlands (10:03 ap.)
Liittyi toukokuuta 17, 2006
$35 USD / tunti
I'm a 30 y/o italian graphic designer settled in Amsterdam. My latest working experience in Italy was for one year in Gianfranco Ferré SpA, as senior for graphic and advertising. I directly referred to advertising director and Mr Ferré, and had to manage a graphic team to produce all advertising material. I had to also keep contact with national & international Ferré's partner-agencies for workflow and support, produce manual books for logo application, rigorous stylish brochures, press kits, digital artworks for fashion events, professional photo retouching and more. Just before being in fashion I had been working for almost 3 and a half years in MediaGroup SpA, a good new media agency, doing mostly paging and covering artworks for music and videogame magazines, designing and managing a high-access digital entertainment web-portal, developing tv program on-screen animations and graphics. In the meantime I had fun writing music & videogame articles for the magazines I worked on, and working as a freelance flash designer. Earlier work experiences include 'classical' graphic stuff such as freelance logo design, web design, page design, illustration and also a boring one-year job as IT consultant for my Country's main comunications company. Every experience was different, but someway absolutely nice and professional, and always left me some new skills which make me feel more comfortable in facing differents approaches to graphics, and become more adaptive. I'm a fast learner and executer, quite creative and proud to have some talent for quality results. I'm Italian and so lazy too, but luckly this doesn't seem to caught me in working hours: i enjoy my work. I'm new to the freelance environment and i'm trying to figure out if it could be a suitable work solution, for me.
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