Summary of Qualifications
Experienced in all aspects of software development (configuration management, project management, requirements gathering, testing, high level design, detail design, coding, technical support, ...).
Familiar with principles of software engineering.
Skilled at analyzing a complex system into it's components, and synthesizing the parts back together into a more efficient whole.
Proven problem solving skills.
Quick learner.
Excellent oral and written communication skills.
Professional Experience
* Verizon Wireless, Alpharetta, GA
** Sr. Member Application Staff (07/2000 – 01/2004)
Senior technical lead in the data warehouse development team, with end to end accountability for major projects.
+ data warehouse development
Created the Developers Guide which defines standards and procedures used by the development team.
Enhanced the software development process by inserting a Data Modeling step, ensuring data modeler input on all potential changes to the data warehouse data model.
+ consolidation of area data warehouses into one national warehouse
Converted area applications and data to run on Teradata and integrate into our data model. Created and executed Data Integrity test scripts to ensure area data warehouses comply to our model and standards.
+ data warehouse data model
Single point of contact for all changes to the data model.
+ modified our extract/transform/load scripts to accomodate feeds from billing systems as they changed to support business initiatives such as Static IP Address, Enhanced Data Features, POS Service Streamlining, Push To Talk, etc.
+ Replaced various area-specific processes used to calculate and update customer value measurements with a single standardized process.
+ Conceived of and implemented a mechanism by means of which cust_id change transactions in the CUST_ACCT_LINE_TRANS table are used to derived a persistent subscriber ID for all subscribers. This persistent subscriber ID permits Marketing and other Data Warehouse users to track subscribers across cust_id changes and billing system conversions. This later became a key enabler of Verizon’s CRM application.
+ Design and develop software as required to support completion of all deliverables per Data Warehouse Roadmap
+ consolidation of area data warehouses into one
+ 1Q03 - Design and develop software to remedy points of non-compliance
+ Create and execute Data Integrity test scripts to ensure area data warehouses comply to UDM
* Verizon Data Services, Temple Terrace, Florida (1999 - 2000)
** MTSC-Advisory Systems Engineer (07/1999 – 07/2000)
Architecture responsibilities relative to the analysis, Design and Migration strategy/plan to support the evolution of the GTE Wireless Data Warehouse. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, data analysis, data mapping, data modeling, database design, database sizing, architectural oversight, and providing recommendations/assistance with decisions on data access, storage and retention.
* GTE Data Services, Temple Terrace, Florida (1992 - 1999)
** MTS-Advisory Systems Engineer (06/1998 – 07/1999)
Enterprise Data Warehouse architect in the IT-Application Architecture & Design department.
+ developed high level designs for the UNIX, PC, and Mainframe components of the application systems ("PowerBase" & "PIMS") which populate the Decision Support Systems used by GTE Marketing and GTE Wireless Marketing, respectively.
+ Member of the GTE Enterprise Architecture & Design task force that defined the work products, and roles, for which the Architecture, Standards, and Planning organization is responsible during the software development process.
+ Member of the Enterprise Architecture and Design Continuous Process Improvement Team, which is engaged in creating standard templates for the High Level Design and Detail Design work products.
** Sr. Systems Engineer (01/1995– 06/1998)
Project Lead for AMTS and Sales Funnel application systems.
+ Migrated AMTS, a Visual Basic/Microsoft Access application that tracks third party sales for compensation purposes, into GTEDS from TELOPS. Lead redesign of system from single-user to multi-user environment. Redesigned and rewrote AMTS modules that interface with legacy order processing systems.
+ Learned Visual Basic and Microsoft Access on own time over Christmas vacation, in preparation for taking over AMTS system.
Project Lead on BEX. BEX (Business Express) was designed to walk a sales representative, with a customer on the line, through configuration of complex products (e.g. ISDN), using configuration rules maintained by Product Management.
+ Created detail design for BEX's rules engine when the application was re-engineered for a UNIX server (C, DAS, Informix) and Windows client (C++, MFC) environment.
+ Designed and implemented a new BEX rules parser (lex, yacc) which parses 8000 rules/second. Designed and implemented the 'decision point' screens that offer the user choices during the product configuration process, print/preview, Banyan login process, tool tips, capability to export BEX documents to Excel spreadsheets. BEX Individual Excellence award for effort and dedication relating to creation of the BEX Rules Parser
** Sr. Systems Analyst (12/1992– 01/1995)
Sr. Systems Analyst assigned to BEX (Business Express)
+ Designed, and played primary role in development of, the BEX Release 2 prototype for pricing GTE's ISDN products, using C++ and Zinc in a multi-platform (HPUX/MS-Windows) environment.
+ Designed and developed, jointly with vendor Strategic Systems Consulting, a working model of the BEX R2 product configuration engine, using C and Neuron Data in a multi-platform environment.
Project Lead for the design and development of the production version of the BEX R2 product configuration engine, and also the R2 quote management facility. This project involved the use of object oriented design and programming using C++, and Neuron Data's multi-platform Open Interface GUI.
* Contel Telephone Operations, Fairfax, Virginia (1985 - 1992)
** Manager, Information Technology (01/1985 – 12/1992)
Guide and support Contel's Eastern Region in the use of information technology, and oversee the distribution of applications and the sharing of data. Manage staff of 14 staff members with a $950,000 budget. Designed and developed the department into four proactive groups.
+ Business Consulting, to help 42 Region managers reduce workload through automation, and create specifications for applications.
+ End User Computing, to support the use of desktop equipment and schedule in-house training. By handling 88% of hardware maintenance internally, the group reduced the 1990 desktop maintenance budget by $175,000. This group also scheduled all in-house training (45 classes per year).
+ Region Information Center and Technical Support Hotline to help people use PC and VAX software products, and administer their LAN's. This group resolved an average of 246 support requests per month, and reduced end user downtime by closing 83% of the calls within 24 hours and 69% of them within four hours.
+ Established an Applications Development group to create VAX and PC based applications.
+ Created and implemented a Region wide Primary User program to enhance the level of service provided by the department to its customers. There were 73 Primary Users in the program.
+ Served as founding member of the Distributed Systems Committee, whose mission was to ensure that the distributed systems used by Telephone Operations were implemented and run effectively. Drafted charter for, served on, and chaired the Committee.
+ Planned and implemented orderly transition of Divisions from Contel to GTE information systems following merger with GTE. Shutdown Contel Division IS departments.
* Contel Data Services, Fairfax, Virginia (1984 - 1985)
** Account Manager (09/1984 – 01/1985)
Managed the Contel Telephone Operations account, Contel Data Services’ largest account ($800,000 annual revenue), in competition with third party vendors. Supervised team of 10 VAX and Honeywell Bull programmers.
** Technical Manager, Distributed Systems
Advised and directed Contel Telephone Operations in the installation and use of VAX minicomputers at Region Headquarters and the five Divisions. Established VAX System Management policies and procedures, trained Region VAX System Manager. Provided technical support to Division Information Services organizations.
* ContelVision, Manassas, Virginia (1982 - 1984)
** Technical Manager (1983 - 1984)
VAX System Manager. Controlled videotext software. Provided technical support for ContelVision staff and remote Information Providers. Supervised contract programmer.
** Software Development Specialist (1982 - 1983)
Designed and developed software for remote data entry, asynchronous communications, NAPLPS frame creation. Created VAX videotext system used to benchmark vendors' products. Supervised contract programmer.
* American Management Systems, Rosslyn, Virginia (1980 - 1982)
** Operating System Software Specialist (04/1982 – 08/1982)
Customized TOPS 20 operating system using Assembler and Bliss.
** Customer Technical Support (06/1980 – 04/1982)
Helped clients use graphics, statistical, and database packages. Automated department functions.
* Digital Equipment Corporation, Westboro, Massachusetts (1978 – 06/1980)
** Senior Programmer/Analyst
Maintained manufacturing applications. Provided technical support to programmer team.
State University of New York, B.A. Liberal Arts, 1969
Other Education, with Certification
TCP/IP Fundamentals - 1998
Standard Systems Provisioning Process training - 1997
Function Point Counting - 1997
EDA - 1996
Microsoft Foundation Classes - 1995
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Practitioners Certificate) - 1994
Neuron Data (Smart Elements & Open Interface) - March 1994
Esperanto Language Correspondence Course - 1994
Investment In Excellence - October 1993
OSF/Motif and Interface Architect - March 1993
Contel Managers Seminar - April 1990
Interpersonal Problem Solving - March 1989
Managing for Inspired Performance - December 1985
Additional Training
Teradata, SQL, UNIX shell scripts, Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, lex, yacc, C, Borland C++, MS Visual C++,MS Foundation Classes, EDA SQL, perl, COBOL, Prolog, Forth, Fortran, HTML, Javascript, ...Various programming environments & languages: Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, UNIX shell scripts, awk, perl, lex, yacc, Informix, Client/Server, Windows 95, SQL, C, Borland C++, MS Visual C++, Microsoft Foundation Classes, Motif, COBOL, ISPF, JCL, SQL, Prolog, Forth, Fortran, Assembler, Bliss, Datatrieve, DBMS 10, 2020, Oracle, System 1022, HTML, Javascript, Ruby, ...