I am team leader. Our daily job is Adwords - create and maintain projects.
So we can also write for you articles. Daily we prepare and optimize content for our customers. Up to date we have made several thousand pages (A4) for our customers.
If you decide to choose another freelancer for content writing, give me a call about Adwords camping in Polish language.
I am Adwords Expert with 10 years of experience.
Passed 5 Google Adwords exams
Daily tasks of my team:
Preparing cost estimates. Also for demographic groups.
Creating new campaign. In several languages: English, German, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, French, Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian. They are not translated - they are created from scratch by native speakers or sworn translators.
Connecting accounts: Adwords, Analytics, Merchant.
Auditing campaigns - proposing changes and optimization. Emphasis on new trends.
Currently managing over 50 accounts.
Dominik Hudzik