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Sähköposti vahvistettu onnistuneesti.
Ashish U.
✅ React |.NET |MERN |Full Stack | Mobile App
$20 USD / tunti
India (2:56 ap.)
Liittyi maaliskuuta 16, 2015
$20 USD / tunti
Thank you for dropping by.
Why choose me?
✔️ 8 Years of professional experience.
I ...
...have a total programming experience of over 8 years (including 5 years in
ReactJs, MERN Stack, Wordpress and 3 Years in .NET).
...work alone, and strictly bite only what I can chew! No sub-contracting, ever!
...use most instant messengers for speedy communication, and always backup files that I change.
...provide daily progress reports / updates via Skype (Google Meet, Freelancer or Zoom), whatever YOU prefer.
Thank you for reading. Have a good one :-)
my skills are:
✔️ React
✔️ Next
✔️ MERN Stack
✔️ Full Stack Developer
✔️ JavaScript
✔️ TypeScript
✔️ WordPress
✔️ WooCommerce
✔️ PHP/ HTML5 / CSS3
✔️ MySQL/ MS-SQL/ PostgreSQL/ MongoDB
✔️ Asp.Net
✔️ C#.Net