Logistics Industry Report Designer

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I'm looking for a proficient report designer experienced in crafting comprehensive industry and research reports. The focus of the report will be on the logistics sector, with a specific emphasis on supply chain and logistics management.

Ideal Skills and Experience:

- Strong background in logistics and supply chain management

- Proven experience in designing industry and research reports

- Excellent data interpretation and presentation skills

- Financial and sales report design experience a plus

- Creative approach to custom report design

Raportin kirjoittaminen Esitteen suunnittelu

Projektin tunnus: #38975489

Tietoa projektista

6 ehdotusta Etäprojekti Aktiivinen 5 päivää sitten

6 freelanceria on tarjonnut keskimäärin ₹4662 tähän työhön


Hello, With my extensive experience in graphic design, including specific skills in brochure design, I am confident that I can deliver an industry report that meets and exceeds your expectations. Having completed over Lisää

₹5885 INR 1 päivässä
(15 arvostelua)

Hi There! I have reviewed your complete project "Logistics Industry Report Designer" description regarding the designing project for your business. we are very much confident to reach your expectations. portfolio: Lisää

₹5885 INR 1 päivässä
(2 arvostelua)

Hi There, I have read your project description you posted for"Logistics Industry Report Designer" . I’m confident that I will be able to get your project done within the given time your requirements conclude. We pro Lisää

₹600 INR 1 päivässä
(1 arvostelu)

Genuine Freelance Writer here. I would like to bid for this project as I think I would be a good fit. I am based in UK and have 18+ years of solid freelance writing skills with a foundation of MBA education. Please fee Lisää

₹5300 INR 3 päivässä
(0 arvostelua)