E-commerce Product Photography
$30-250 CAD
Maksettu toimituksen yhteydessä
I am looking for a skilled photographer who specializes in taking high-quality product photos. The images will be used for my WEBSITE.
The task involves:
- Capturing photos for more than 50 different products
- Using a plain white background for all pictures
-Dry goods like spices, drinks, flour, rice
Take pictures in our warehouse.
Person should be able to send and save pictures
Projektin tunnus: #37813204
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1 freelanceria on tarjonnut keskimäärin %project_bid_stats_avg_sub_23% %project_currencyDetails_sign_sub_24% tähän työhön
Hello!Greetings, I am Irfan and I am a professional graphic designer with a unique approach and a wide range of tools in my hand with 10 years of experience in Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, Graphic Design, Photo Editing Lisää