insert biometric attendance machine data to mongodb

Suljettu Julkaistu 1 vuosi sitten Maksettu toimituksen yhteydessä
Suljettu Maksettu toimituksen yhteydessä

I am looking for a freelancer who can insert data from my essl biometric attendance machine into MongoDB. The ideal candidate should have experience in dealing with biometric attendance data and be able to work efficiently with MongoDB.


- Experience with essl biometric attendance machine

- Proficient in MongoDB

- Ability to format data in a user-friendly manner

- Familiarity with real-time data insertion

Additional Information:

- The brand and model of the biometric attendance machine is essl

- The data does not need to be formatted in a specific way before insertion

- Real-time data insertion is required for this project.

NoSQL Couch & Mongo PostgreSQL Node.js Biometrics

Projektin tunnus: #36714460

Tietoa projektista

4 ehdotusta Etäprojekti Aktiivinen 1 vuosi sitten

4 freelanceria on tarjonnut keskimäärin ₹1913 tähän työhön


Hello there! My name is James and I'm a full-stack developer with 7 years of experience in website and mobile app development. I understand that you're looking for a freelancer to insert data from your essl biometric a Lisää

₹1050 INR 1 päivässä
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Hello, my name is Rudiger Winfried and I am a full stack developer with expertise in MER(Angular.js, Vue.js, Svelte), PHP(Laravel, WordPress and CodeIgniter), Python(Django) and Database management such as MongoDB, MyS Lisää

₹1050 INR 2 päivässä
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Dear, I am an experienced freelancer proficient in MongoDB and working with eSSL biometric attendance machines. I can efficiently insert data from your machine into MongoDB, ensuring real-time insertion and user-frien Lisää

₹4150 INR 7 päivässä
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