Website content digital marketing työt


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    2,000 website content digital marketing löydetyt työt

    Etsimme sisällöntuottajaa tekemään nettisivujen ja tuote-esitteiden sisällön.

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    11 tarjoukset

    Tarvitsen artikkeleita suomeksi, yhteensä 70 kpl - 700 sanaa / artikkeli - aihe: nettikasinot - yleistä tekstiä nettikasinoista, sisällytä tekstiin 1 avainsana + 1 linkki Kuinka monta artikkelia voit kirjoittaa kuun loppuun mennessä? 15 € / artikkeli / neuvoteltavissa Native Finns only, thank you.

    €816 Average bid
    €816 Keskimäär. tarjous
    7 tarjoukset

    ...kiinni • Hyvä englannin kielen taito – osa tehtävistä saattaa vaatia käännöksiä Tietoa meistä Me olemme digitaalinen markkinointitoimisto ja tilamme sijaitsevat Kööpenhaminan sydämessä, Tanskassa. Työskentelemme erilaisten digitaalisten markkinointikanavien parissa ja olemme keskittyneet erityisesti pelialaan. Osaamisalueitamme ovat muun muassa Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Third Party Marketing ja E-mail Marketing. Palkka Työ on provisiopalkkainen ja maksamme 0,03€ per kirjoitettu sana. Työaika Työaika on erittäin joustava, oletamme kuitenkin että työskentelet vähintään noin 10 tuntia viikossa. Se kuinka p&aum...

    €1067 Average bid
    €1067 Keskimäär. tarjous
    6 tarjoukset

    ...experience in the Xibo CMS platform configuration and Widget/Module development, for a Digital Signage product. In order to complete this assignment you would be need to be familiar with the following technologies: * PHP, JavaScript, CSS, * Amazon Web Services (existing CodeBuild & CodeDeploy and EC2 environment) * Linux (Ubuntu) * C++ basics (Not absolutely necessary, but might come handy) * Docker In addition of allowing you to use modern development tools, you have the opportunity to witness Digital Signage business from up close. DS is a natural evolution of traditional advertising business, which enables delivery of digital content exactly where the target demographics are. You get to work with visible digital media and see the results of...

    €2502 Average bid
    €2502 Keskimäär. tarjous
    12 tarjoukset

    Tavoittena toteuttaa pitkä, modulaarinen email template Dynamics 365 for Marketing alustalle, josta voimme helposti työstää uusia templaatteja / käyttää pitkää templaattia josta moduulit vedetään drag-n-drop-toiminnolla itse viestiin / moduulit pystytään kopioimaan HTML:n kommenttien avulla ja niitä pystyy lisäämään ja poistamaan ilman koodin hajoamista. Pitkällä templalla tarkoitan siis että kaikki leiskatut moduulit toteutetaan yhteen templaan. Ohessa esimerkki email templan leiskasta. Työssä tulee ymmärtää ja hyödyntää Dynamics 365 Marketingin tarjoamia ominaisuuksia kuten sections & custom attributes. Ohessa esimerkki templaa...

    €2482 Average bid
    €2482 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    NATIVE FINNISH SPEAKERS ONLY. Etsin tiimiini pidempiaikaista kirjoittajaa auttamaan suomenkielisen sisällön kirjoittamisessa. Käytännössä työ pitää sisällään n. 300 - 1000 sanan tekstien kirjoittamista erilaisista nettikasinoteemaisista aiheista. Näitä voivat olla esimerkiksi kasinoesittelyt, bonukset, kasinokampanjat ja kasinopelit. Aiempaa kokemusta kyseisistä aiheista ei toki tarvitse olla, kunhan osaamista ja intoa oppimiseen löytyy. Jonkin näköinen tietäminen on tietenkin aina plussaa. Toiveenani olisi kirjoittaja, joka: - kirjoittaa virheetöntä ja kieliopillisesti järkevää tekstiä - kommunikoi kanssani artikkelien aikatauluista (mielestäni yhteisymm&aum...

    €396 Average bid
    €396 Keskimäär. tarjous
    16 tarjoukset

    NATIVE FINNISH SPEAKERS ONLY. Etsin tiimiini pidempiaikaista kirjoittajaa auttamaan suomenkielisen sisällön kirjoittamisessa. Käytännössä työ pitää sisällään n. 300 - 1000 sanan tekstien kirjoittamista erilaisista nettikasinoteemaisista aiheista. Näitä voivat olla esimerkiksi kasinoesittelyt, bonukset, kasinokampanjat ja kasinopelit. Aiempaa kokemusta kyseisistä aiheista ei toki tarvitse olla, kunhan osaamista ja intoa oppimiseen löytyy. Jonkin näköinen tietäminen on tietenkin aina plussaa. Toiveenani olisi kirjoittaja, joka: - kirjoittaa virheetöntä ja kieliopillisesti järkevää tekstiä - kommunikoi kanssani artikkelien aikatauluista (mielestäni yhteisymm&aum...

    €362 Average bid
    €362 Keskimäär. tarjous
    6 tarjoukset
    Marketing Reports
    Loppunut left

    Etsitään taitavaa yksilöä, joka pystyy tekemään markkina tutkimusta sekä myös hallitsee ja on silmää ammattimisten presentaatioiden tekemiseen esim. Canvas ohjelmassa. Meidän vaatimustaso on erittäin korkea molemmissa osa-alueissa.

    €538 Average bid
    €538 Keskimäär. tarjous
    6 tarjoukset

    Tarvitsemme uuteen projektiimme yhtä tai useampaa kirjoittajaa kirjoittamaan esittelytekstejä verkkokaupoille. - Artikkelien pituus: 400-500 sanaa - Annamme otsikot - Tarjoukset 5 artikkelin eristä Hyvälle kirjoittajalle mahdollisuus pidempiaikaiseen pestiin.

    €133 Average bid
    €133 Keskimäär. tarjous
    11 tarjoukset
    Content Writing
    Loppunut left

    المطلوب كتابة محتوى لموقعي يشمل جميع الصفحات بالكامل و حتى الصفحات التي تتضمن نماذج كتابة مقاطع تعريفية و تشجيعية بجانبها. الموقع هو للمستقلين و أصحاب المشاريع و هو في المرحلة الأخيرة من التصميم و الاختبارات. مستعد للإجابة على اية استفسارات.

    €128 Average bid
    €128 Keskimäär. tarjous
    17 tarjoukset

    Organic chemistry essay

    €317 Average bid
    €317 Keskimäär. tarjous
    35 tarjoukset

    Job karni he 12000 selari me muchhe bahut arjent he

    €460 Average bid
    €460 Keskimäär. tarjous
    7 tarjoukset

    interiors, vastu, astrology

    €40 Average bid
    €40 Keskimäär. tarjous
    30 tarjoukset


    €92 Average bid
    €92 Keskimäär. tarjous
    10 tarjoukset
    Project for fizzl
    Loppunut left

    Moi Fizzl! mulla olis pieni projekti. Tarvitsisin ohjelman mika pystyy lukemaan +1gb Geotiff ilmavalokuvia ja Digital Surface Model. Eli WGS84 koordinaatti systeemi missa voidaan suorittaa etaisyyslaskentaa koordinaattien valilla. Ymmartaakseni WGS84 koodi loytyy javan kirjastoista. Ota yhteytta jos sinulla on kiinnostusta ja tietotaitoa taman projektin rakentamiseen. 00971 56 3103129 (whatsapp) sanalmas777@ voisin lahettaa sinulle videon toiminnoista jo olevasta ohjelmasta (global mapper) Kiitoksia, Mikko.

    €10 - €10
    €10 - €10
    0 tarjoukset
    Finnish content
    Loppunut left

    Im looking for finnish content writers for homepages. Content is in many different categories so important finnish written language skills must be 100%

    €147 Average bid
    €147 Keskimäär. tarjous
    9 tarjoukset
    facebook marketing
    Loppunut left


    €240 - €720
    €240 - €720
    0 tarjoukset
    Content Writing 2
    Loppunut left

    Content Writing

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    Haemme motivoitunutta myynti- ja kampanjahenkilökuntaa Helsinki-Vantaa lentokentän liikkeisiin. Hyvä palkkaus ja työehdot!   Haemme työntekijöitä pitkäkestoiseen kampanja- ja tuotemyyntiin kahteen hyvin tunnettuun liikkeeseen Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentällä.    Tarjolla on neljä avointa pitkäkestoista paikkaa reippaille ja dynaamisille myyjille, jotka haluavat tulla osaksi meidän uutta ja mielenkiintoista projektia. Tehtäviisi kuuluu tuotenäytteiden jakamista, kertoa asiakkaille eri tuotemerkeistä ja osallistua myyntikampanjoihin mitä ko. liikkeet kulloinkin tekevät (esim. tuotemyyntiä tai näytejakeluja tai asiakkaiden kannustamista ottaa osaa kilpailuihin).   Ty&...

    €11 - €17 / hr
    €11 - €17 / hr
    0 tarjoukset


    €240 - €720
    €240 - €720
    0 tarjoukset
    €38 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset
    €144 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset
    6 päivää left

    I'm looking to have a WordPress website created for my digital services agency. Key Features: - E-commerce integration to facilitate service purchases and inquiries. - Portfolio section showcasing our past successful projects. - Blog section for sharing insights and updates. Services Offered: - The site should prominently feature our primary areas of expertise: Social Media Marketing, SEO Optimization, and Web Development. Target Audience: - The site should be tailored to appeal to small businesses, as they are our main target audience. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with WordPress and e-commerce integration. - Strong portfolio of web development and SEO optimization. - Experience in creating engaging, user-friendly digital service agency websites....

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Keskimäär. tarjous
    62 tarjoukset media content creator and editor to produce and refine engaging Reels, posts, and videos for my Instagram account. Your creative touch should align with a minimalist aesthetic – clean, uncluttered visuals that deliver a strong impact without excessive embellishment. Key Responsibilities: - Create and edit high-quality Instagram content (Reels, posts, videos) - Adhere to a minimalist style throughout all content - Stay updated with Instagram trends to keep content relevant and engaging Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media content creation, particularly for Instagram - Strong video editing skills, with proficiency in using editing software - Excellent understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to c...

    €100 Average bid
    €100 Keskimäär. tarjous
    12 tarjoukset

    ...20+ countries – so we target a very global audience. What We Need A proactive SEO Content Writer & Social Media Specialist to drive inbound leads through compelling, ICP-focused content. You’ll craft engaging web content, social posts, and measure results to continually refine our content strategy. Key Responsibilities 1. SEO Content Creation: Write and optimize website copy/blogs to improve organic rankings. Perform keyword research and implement best practices for on-page SEO. 2. Social Media Posts: Create concise, high-impact social content (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) aligned with our audience. Schedule and repurpose content for maximum reach and engagement. 3. ICP-Focused Messaging - Tailor content to...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    26 tarjoukset
    Data entry for UGC creators -- 9
    6 päivää left

    We're is seeking an experienced Digital Sourcer to help us identify and onboard User-Generated Content (UGC) creators from several European countries. Key Responsibilities: Sourcing Creators: Find and qualify 100+ UGC creators weekly. Utilize specialized Google search queries for finding the Creators. Qualifications: Proven experience in recruiting, preferably in influencer marketing or UGC. Strong communication and negotiation skills. Familiarity with the social media landscape in Germany and the UK. Fluent in English; proficient in using AI (ChatGPT) for well written communications in varying languages. Qualifications: Proven experience in sourcing creators, influencers, or freelancers, preferably in the UGC space. Exceptional skills in advanced Google searc...

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    19 tarjoukset

    I'm seeking a talented graphic designer with proficiency in Photoshop and Illustrator to help create digital art for wall designs. The pieces should be in a realistic style, suitable for print and display in a home or office setting. please see attached images. We require you to replicate parts of each the image into digital art, which will be then printed on a wallpaper. Thus we require this in Illustrator or photoshop open file. We have regular requirement. This is required in a week, and the image has to be a 100% match to the attachment. Please only apply if you are ok with the above.

    €47 Average bid
    €47 Keskimäär. tarjous
    9 tarjoukset

    I'm looking for an AI-based marketing automation setup for my diagnostic lab in Patna. The system should be as automated as possible, requiring minimal manual intervention. Key components of the project include: - WhatsApp & SMS Automation: - An automated WhatsApp chatbot to handle customer queries (I have not yet specified what kind of queries the chatbot should handle, so I would appreciate your input on this) - A bulk messaging system for sending out offers and reminders - Facebook & Instagram AI Ads: - Creation of AI-powered ad campaigns targeting local patients - Management of a monthly budget - Google My Business Optimization: - Optimisation of our Google profile to enhance our search rankings - Setting up an automated system for responding to revi...

    €395 Average bid
    €395 Keskimäär. tarjous
    6 tarjoukset
    Minimalistic A4 Double-Sided Flyer Design
    6 päivää left

    We need a graphic designer to create a promotional flyer for the Damon platform. The flyer should visually align with the design of the landing page (), incorporating similar colors, fonts, and visual elements. The content should highlight Damon’s key features, benefits, and include a strong Call-to-Action to attract potential customers. Requirements: Modern and visually appealing design Consistency with the landing page’s style and branding Use of relevant images and professional graphic elements High-quality output for both print and digital formats Please share your portfolio with similar designs.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Keskimäär. tarjous
    71 tarjoukset

    I'm looking for a WordPress eCommerce expert to help me finish my website. It's 80% complete but needs the following tweeks: -a font colour change in the mini cart -adding the thank you for your purchase page to the cart flow -advice on how to upload and host large amounts of digital products without taking up too much space. -tests to check payments on the site are working before it goes live Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in WordPress and WooCommerce (selling digital products/ audio files) - Experience with eCommerce website design - Web Dev skills

    €262 Average bid
    €262 Keskimäär. tarjous
    150 tarjoukset

    I'm looking fo...general, my company (Greenroom Robotics), makes software to enhance maritime vessels and operations. Our mission is to transform maritime industries through the ethical application of Remoate and Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence. To achieve this mission, we have some software prodcuts to deliver process digitisation, autonomous ship navigation, maritime situational awareness, and a digital twin. These prodcuts are techncialy complex, but they provide clear capabiltiies and are made to be easily installed, and hence we want to make animations to explain: - How they are integrated or installed - What capabiltiies or outcomes they deliver We have four prodcuts, but looking for quote on all of them, and expecting animations to be 30-45seconds. r...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    40 tarjoukset
    €29 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset
    ASMR Content Creation -- 3
    6 päivää left

    I need a girl to record asmr videos for a new youtube channel. No experience or special equipment required (can use phone) 18-25 years old

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Keskimäär. tarjous
    4 tarjoukset

    1. General Information about the Project Project Name: AI Avatar for Investments Description: A project for creating a digital AI avatar that will be used for communication, user interaction, and content creation. It includes working with AI models, 3D design, voice synthesis, and platform integration. 2. Main Responsibilities of the Project Manager** Managing the AI Avatar Development Process - Searching for and coordinating the work of a team of 3D designers, AI developers, marketers, and content managers. - Overseeing the creation of the avatar’s visual appearance and animation. - Integrating AI (GPT, ElevenLabs, D-ID, MetaHuman, Unreal Engine) into the product. Task Planning and Coordination - Developing and maintaining the project plan, ensuring deadlin...

    €28 / hr Average bid
    €28 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    11 tarjoukset

    I'm looking for someone who can help me gather 10,000 email leads of entrepreneurs specifically interested in buying books or courses on various business subjects. Key Requirements: - The leads should include the full name and email address of each contact - The source of these leads should primarily be professional networks like LinkedIn or any who have both interest and and email address of each contact - The source of these leads should primarily be professional networks like LinkedIn or any who have both interest and money to buy Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data mining and lead generation - Expertise in utilizing LinkedIn for professional networking and contact sourcing - Strong understanding of the interests of entrepreneurs in the business and digital ...

    €79 Average bid
    €79 Keskimäär. tarjous
    30 tarjoukset
    College Intern for WhatsApp Coordination
    6 päivää left
    Varmennettu for a digital competition called "One College One Leader." This will involve creating the group, recruiting members, and sharing information. Key Responsibilities: - Create a WhatsApp group and make as many members join as possible to ensure the competition's success. - Share information related to the competition and promote active participation. - Conduct a simple video with two college leaders discussing college and social problems to foster competition among students. The intern will receive a minimum base compensation, which will increase based on their performance and the level of student participation on our Pradhaan mobile application. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong communication skills - Experience with WhatsApp and similar platforms - In...

    €62 Average bid
    €62 Keskimäär. tarjous
    3 tarjoukset

    ...their mobile numbers and email addresses with us - Introducing our company to them. We shall give all back up support. - Future possibility : If all goes well and to our expectation we will offer a fix commission on sales. The ideal freelancer should be: ​ - Proficient in both Arabic and English - Experienced in sales and marketing - Capable of gathering information about the companies' current procurement needs and processes - Able to share digital images of items required Upon successful execution of this initial phase, we will consider extending the contract for further collaboration. We hope you understand the importance of this role and are eager to help us penetrate this new market. Looking forward to hearing from you. Regards, Sanjeevv...

    €163 Average bid
    €163 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    I am on the lookout for a talented and reliable graphic designer to assist with the long-term creation of various digital print content. The ideal candidate should have: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and other design tools - Experience with branding, marketing materials, and digital content creation - Strong creativity and attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines and take constructive feedback - Good communication skills The designer will primarily work on: - Creating graphics for digital content, specifically E-books, Digital Magazines, and Brochures If you're interested, please share your portfolio, experience, and rates. Looking forward to working with you!

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    28 tarjoukset

    ...seeking a proficient digital marketing expert with a strong focus on programmatic SEO. This project entails a significant amount of work in traditional SEO and Google Ads, with an emphasis on automation using AI. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing and overseeing a programmatic SEO strategy. - Automating Google Ads campaigns with AI to improve efficiency and effectiveness. - AI-driven creation of content for blog posts, social media, and video scripts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in digital marketing, particularly in programmatic and traditional SEO. - Proficient in using Google Ads and AI for automation. - Skilled in creating and repurposing content across various platforms, including YouTube and social media. - Exper...

    €94 Average bid
    €94 Keskimäär. tarjous
    37 tarjoukset

    I'm seeking a professional with expertise in Marketing and Promotion, specifically in Content Marketing. The primary focus of this project will be promoting my brand on Facebook and Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a comprehensive content marketing strategy targeting primarily Facebook and Instagram. - Create engaging, shareable content tailored to the specific audience of these platforms. - Monitor and analyse the performance of the content and make necessary adjustments. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in Content Marketing. - Excellent understanding and experience with Facebook and Instagram. - Strong creative skills for content creation. - Proficient in performance an...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    23 tarjoukset

    I have a database of 10,000 email contacts from medium-sized businesses in the technology sector that I'm looking to sell. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Understanding of the tech industry - Experience with B2B sales - Knowledge of email marketing - Ability to reach out to medium-sized businesses - Competence in handling and selling email databases

    €1440 - €2879
    €1440 - €2879
    0 tarjoukset

    I need help updating my business card design. I have a printed copy of the existing card, which will need to be used as a reference. Key Requirements: - Update logo on the card - Update contact information - Prepare digital copy for printshop Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Adobe Illustrator / Photoshop - Print Design I'd like to have a digital version of the updated card so I can take it to a print shop.

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    27 tarjoukset

    ... We are thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity to contribute to a cutting-edge AI Rating & Rewriting project, specifically for the English (UK) language! Position Details We are hiring full-time remote native expert writers to work on an AI project involving the following tasks: 1. Content Comparison & Rewriting: Compare multiple content pieces on a given topic. Skillfully rewrite a superior version by combining the best elements. Ensure strong local and cultural relevance in the final content. 2. AI Response Quality Assessment: Evaluate AI-generated responses based on predefined quality parameters. Rate and provide detailed rationale for evaluations to ensure consistency and clarity. Roles Available (English UK): 3 Rewriters 1 QA Specialist 1 Team ...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    17 tarjoukset
    French Content Writer for Pharma Product
    6 päivää left

    I'm in need of a skilled French content writer who can create balanced and informative product descriptions for a line of pharmaceutical products. Key Responsibilities: - Crafting product descriptions that are engaging, informative, and in perfect French. - Understanding and accurately conveying the technical aspects of pharmaceutical products in a balanced and accessible manner. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in writing product descriptions, particularly in the pharmaceutical sector. - Exceptional command of the French language. - Ability to write in a balanced and informative tone. - Prior experience in content writing for the healthcare or pharmaceutical industry is a plus. - Understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) to enhance content...

    €352 Average bid
    €352 Keskimäär. tarjous
    27 tarjoukset
    Software Sales Agent
    6 päivää left

    I'm in need of a dedicated sales agent, primarily focusing on selling a range of digital products, specifically software. The ideal candidate will utilize direct calls as the primary sales channel. Key Responsibilities: - Selling various software products - Engaging potential clients through direct calls Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven sales experience, preferably in software - Excellent communication skills - Proficiency in making direct sales calls - Ability to understand and sell digital products - having good social circle - or having experience in sales -needed in tricity Chandigarh mohali panchkula kharar -Good part time opportunities also

    €2763 - €5525
    €2763 - €5525
    0 tarjoukset

    Need Digtial Marketing/Social Media Marketing Relevant Guest Post With Real Organic Traffic Requirement: Niche:digital marketing/social media marketing/content marketing da>30 Organic Traffic>1000/mo spam score<10 dofollow backlinks permanent placement

    €42 Average bid
    €42 Keskimäär. tarjous
    44 tarjoukset
    Flipkart Advertising Campaign Manager
    6 päivää left

    We are looking for an experienced freelancer to manage and optimize Flipkart advertising campaigns for our brand, Amritam, which specializes in high-quali...better conversions - Monitor campaign performance and suggest improvements - Provide weekly reports on ad performance and optimization strategies Requirements: - Prior experience running Flipkart Ads for e-commerce brands - Proven track record of high ROAS and cost-effective ad management - Strong analytical skills to optimize ads for better performance - Understanding of D2C brand marketing strategies If you have the expertise to boost sales and maximize ROI, we’d love to hear from you! Please share your previous experience and success stories while bidding. Looking forward to working with a Flipkart...

    €89 Average bid
    €89 Keskimäär. tarjous
    11 tarjoukset

    I'm in need of a content writer specialized in crafting engaging and insightful travel-related blog posts. The primary focus will be on writing travel tips and advice. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing skills - Strong understanding of travel industry - Ability to provide practical travel advice - Experience in blogging Experience: - Prior travel content writing preferred - Portfolio of travel blogs a plus

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    15 tarjoukset

    I'm in need of a talented writer who can create compelling and informative content aimed at students. The ideal freelancer would have a strong understanding of student interests and concerns, and be able to create content that is both engaging and educational. Key Skills: - Exceptional writing and editing skills - Ability to understand and target the student audience - Experience in creating educational content If you have experience in writing engaging content for students, I would love to hear from you.

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    29 tarjoukset