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    5,000 hp openview työtä löytyi, hinnoittelu EUR

    In this sense, a website represents a centrally managed group of web pages, containing text, images and all types of multi-media files presented to the attention of the Internet users in an aesthetic and easily accessible way. All websites enabled through the Internet constitute the World Wide Web (WWW). HP is one of the most popular tools for website creation. This scripting language is easy to learn and gives the coder great possibilities to create his website and also give it advanced functionality. PHP websites constitute the majority of the personal websites today. PHP is also the scripting language of choice for most of the popular blog, forum or ecommerce sites. It is also easily combined with databases, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, which allow for the data to be kept an...

    €403 (Avg Bid)
    €403 Keskimäär. tarjous
    11 tarjoukset

    Since the Windows 7 update, my scanner for an HP1536 printer will not scan. I got this fixed before, and below it is a WIA issue. I ran in administrative cmd sfc /scannow. It said that windows resource protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them. Details in There may be remote access to this computer for resolution.

    €14 - €14 / hr
    €14 - €14 / hr
    0 tarjoukset

    WIA Windows Image Acquisition Service won't start - Scanner won't scan - help? THis is similar thehp officejet 8500 wireless A909g printer with scanner project you did. I have an hp officejet 4620 wireless printer with scanner, and its software installs OK but can't scan. I am told This is because WIA which it relies on will not start and function properly. I to have have paint program "from scanner or camera" is greyed out. I can't scan in paint either. I spoke with an HP tech support highest Tier level.. who boiled it down by saying that "the scanning drivers built within windows are not working properly." He goes on to mention TWAIN_32 and C:windows scan folder wain_32, out of context, as a possible problem source....

    €12 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €12 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    I have an HP Proliant Server with UNIX SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 installed. After a power failure server shut down and now it is booting up to a point and then stopping with the errors you can see in the picture. RAID and HDDS are (according to hp diagnostics) 100% OK. The server has to be fixed today. We can either follow instructions on how to repair it or somehow connect on the server. We are IT professionals but we have little knowledge on UNIX. Therefore communication between us will be easy.

    €125 (Avg Bid)
    €125 Keskimäär. tarjous
    4 tarjoukset
    athlete job HP Loppunut left

    i wanna make home about one.i wanna use this

    €598 (Avg Bid)
    €598 Keskimäär. tarjous
    16 tarjoukset

    - First : want to writing in Java "simple" , do not want "complicated." - Second : want diagram and Algorithm - Third : writ 3 classes 1- class product 2- class of customer name ...the company before , he will get a 10% discount . otherwise , he will be asked to complete his information and will not get any discount . if the user wants to exit the system witout purchasing , he should choose 4 , where a thank you message will be displayed and the program will end . products :# - laptops: ~ (dell laptop , 500$ ) ~ ( macbook pro , 600$ ) - PCs: ~ ( iMac , 600$ ) ~ ( HP PC , 550$ ) - Accessories: ~ (wireless headphone , 30$ ) ~ ( laptop bag , 45$ ) ~ ( wireless mouse , 30$ ) end...

    €151 (Avg Bid)
    €151 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    Hello Freelancers, I'm looking for a Developers to make a Classroom Management Software. Please read carefully all information before place an offer, because I need this features as minimal: Console - Client software. Console for Teacher and Client for students. Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 (32 and 64 bit). Thumbnails of Students Screens in R...without interference with other Classes. Network friendly. Light and low hardware resources requirements. Wi-Fi support. Options to reduce network use for Wi-Fi environments. As reference, here some examples of similar software:

    €16391 (Avg Bid)
    €16391 Keskimäär. tarjous
    38 tarjoukset
    Calculo de Helices Loppunut left

    Necesitoq que me verifiquen y calculen las dimensiones de una hélice para una embarcación de 920 HP.

    €67 (Avg Bid)
    €67 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    WIA Windows Image Acquisition Service won't start - Scanner won't scan - help? THis is similar thehp officejet 8500 wireless A909g printer with scanner project you did. I have an hp officejet 4620 wireless printer with scanner, and its software installs OK but can't scan. I am told This is because WIA which it relies on will not start and function properly. I to have have paint program "from scanner or camera" is greyed out. I can't scan in paint either. I spoke with an HP tech support highest Tier level.. who boiled it down by saying that "the scanning drivers built within windows are not working properly." He goes on to mention TWAIN_32 and C:windows scan folder wain_32, out of context, as a possible problem source....

    €4 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €4 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw-(n|u)|c55/|capi|ccwa|cdm-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf-5|g-mo|go(.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd-(m|p|t)|hei-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs-c|ht(c(-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |-|/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |/)|klon|kpt |kwc-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|/(k|l|u)|50|54|-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1-w|m3ga|m50/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20...

    €17 (Avg Bid)
    €17 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    ...others Its a slingshot game. When you open the apps and point it to the marker, the house and the grass is coming out from there. Its like 3d The game so simple, there is only one single level and only one opponent. You have to shot the opponent to win. You have to avoid from getting shot by opponent by moving away to left or right or down or up when opponent shot you. It has a hp bar, when your hp bar run out, you get injured( not die) then you lost. Try to get as simple as possible to keep it within my budget. 10-15 more good quality marker needed in future if your communication and project is good. Im not good in english and drawing. If possible, please send your work sample related to games or augmented reality. Gm _ innovative (at) hot mail (do...

    €1655 (Avg Bid)
    €1655 Keskimäär. tarjous
    18 tarjoukset

    WIA Windows Image Acquisition Service won't start - Scanner won't scan - help? THis is similar thehp officejet 8500 wireless A909g printer with scanner project you did. I have an hp officejet 4620 wireless printer with scanner, and its software installs OK but can't scan. I am told This is because WIA which it relies on will not start and function properly. I to have have paint program "from scanner or camera" is greyed out. I can't scan in paint either. I spoke with an HP tech support highest Tier level.. who boiled it down by saying that "the scanning drivers built within windows are not working properly." He goes on to mention TWAIN_32 and C:windows scan folder wain_32, out of context, as a possible problem source. ...

    €19 (Avg Bid)
    €19 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    We need to add electronic products information to our web-site database using Virtuemart. A chosen applicant will have to: -Gather information (Title, Description, 1-2 Photos, Price in USD) for at least 150 newest electronics products which are not on the web-site yet in the following split (20 - Apple, 10 Canon, 10 Nikon, 10 Sony, 10 HP, 10 Toshiba 20 Samsung and 60 for others) - Input the proofread information into our database by deadline Sunday 27th Oct

    €75 (Avg Bid)
    €75 Keskimäär. tarjous
    21 tarjoukset

    ...program to HP tuch pad ( like kind of calculator program ) We have a scooter rental ( ) and we need a program which INSTALLED TO THE HP TUCH PAD. 1. The program( NOT ONLINE PROGRAM) should have a number pad from 1-50 ( we like to have on the right lower corner of the screen) 2. we will provide you the background ( which will be a the cartoone image from ) YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO DEIGNS ! 3. The program must have buttons ( you can use from main image ) ( only you need to change the manes to OUT, PAY, DISCOUNT,OPENING,CLOSING, CHANGE. 4. The carton background should be visible all the times. 5. The system should write to the screen " like one customer goes to the store - hi i like to have s scoter for one hour" My worker grab the HP tuch pad and

    €889 (Avg Bid)
    €889 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    WIA Windows Image Acquisition Service won't start - Scanner won't scan - help? THis is similar thehp officejet 8500 wireless A909g printer with scanner project you did. I have an hp officejet 4620 wireless printer with scanner, and its software installs OK but can't scan. I am told This is because WIA which it relies on will not start and function properly. I to have have paint program "from scanner or camera" is greyed out. I can't scan in paint either. I spoke with an HP tech support highest Tier level.. who boiled it down by saying that "the scanning drivers built within windows are not working properly." He goes on to mention TWAIN_32 and C:windows scan folder wain_32, out of context, as a possible problem source. ...

    €19 - €19
    €19 - €19
    0 tarjoukset


    €392 - €392
    €392 - €392
    0 tarjoukset

    We need a company in India that has previous experience with HP LoadRunner. We have a long term project. Must have previous experience with HP Loadrunner.

    €8 - €14 / hr
    €8 - €14 / hr
    0 tarjoukset

    proyek dari Revolution Production private mandarin, sales and service, repair komputer cpu and monitor, printer (antar-jemput) alamat: apertemen city park db 8 no 6 jakarta barat hp( via sms/ call) : 08561153632, 08561270358( ) menawarkan proyek pengiklanan untuk service cpu, monitor, printer

    €15 (Avg Bid)
    €15 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset
    entri data Loppunut left

    ... (Muklas Ramawanto) CURICULUM VITAE Data Pribadi Nama : Muklas Ramawanto Jenis kelamin : Laki-laki Tempat, tanggal lahir : Sleman, 24 September 1993 Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia Status perkawinan : Belum Menikah Tinggi, berat badan : 175 cm, 55 kg Kesehatan : Sangat Baik Agama : Islam Alamat : Babakan Telaga Asih Cibitung Bekasi Telepon, HP, e-mail : 083 871 146 170 Email : Pendidikan Formal 1999 - 2005 : SD Negeri Nogosaren, Sleman 2005 - 2008 : SMP Negeri 3 Gamping, Sleman 2008 - 2011 : SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, Yogya Pengalaman Kerja PT ASTRA HONDA MOTOR Periode : Agustus 2012 - Mei 2013 Status : Karyawan Kontrak Posisi : Operator PT KAWATA INDONESIA Periode : Juni 2...

    €6 - €18
    €6 - €18
    0 tarjoukset

    Buatkan Macro data kurang lebih seperti ini - Ketika tombol pertama ditekan, macro akan membuka semua ...semua - Lalu menekan tombol kedua, dan macro akan memproses tersebut - Macro akan memisahkan data2 setiap berdasarkan "Trouble Ticket No, TT Status, Date, Time, dll" dan memasukannya ke dalam file "Format " - Untuk kolom "PIC" dan "Telp/Mobile" yang ada di "Format ", macro akan membuka file "List " dan mencari PIC serta NOMOR HP nya berdasarkan kesamaan "Site ID". - Terdapat tombol ke 3, untuk mengclose data-data dengan status OPEN yang ada di "Format ", untuk melakukan CLOSE, diharuskan memasukan tanggal serta waktu close dari masing2 data tersebut. kurang lebih alurnya sepe...

    €11 (Avg Bid)
    €11 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    In this program you will determine various statistics for 3 stocks. You are to read the stock history data for 3 stocks for the last 250 market days (approximately 1 year) into a 3 dimensinal array and then perform the calculations for various tim...above and below. Your analysis report must be written to a file. You will turn in a printed copy of the file. File opens must be checked for successful open. The report format must closely follow the sample output above. Dollar values, number alignment, percentage formats, and approximate spacing must be observed. Download the stock history file from the website, (where WMT is the stock ticker). You can obtain the MCD and AAPL stock history by changing the WMT in the URL to MCD or AAPL.

    €199 (Avg Bid)
    €199 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset
    Laptop Sales Loppunut left

    Hi, We have an overstock of Apple and HP machines. We are looking for someone who can sell some of these off. Either through dropshipping or another method that works best for you. Once we receive payment to our Paypal we send out, that is our method and only one we use. We look forward to hearing from you.

    €162 (Avg Bid)
    €162 Keskimäär. tarjous
    7 tarjoukset

    Hi, need a website with CMS and copywriting for 52 business articles and facebook posting Create a web hosting with domain name to be bought or Copywriting for my website Create a new feel for About us, Business ideas, Contact us, Business article, Business venture I will need a CmS system to collect Name, Email, Hp and whether they are investors, Buyer, worker Create an email autoresponder to clients when they subscribe Prepare 52 short articles in facebook and link to Business article This short articles will be send email to them and through facebook

    €1038 (Avg Bid)
    €1038 Keskimäär. tarjous
    8 tarjoukset

    I need a database software set up on Amazon Web Services that will gather data from numerous sources, the first phase of the project is periodically gathering and cleaning data by a webcrawler from an external site. the webcrawler should be customizable for other external sources as well. initially data will be crawled and gathered and cleaned up and written to various fields w...changes of these websites. MySQL, PHP, Software Architecture, Amazon Web Services Tables will import data like the following pages

    €376 (Avg Bid)
    €376 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    ...answers, more than 700 , all of them are topic related questions and answers ... In summary, my website is showing pages of 90 comments (with each answer) each one .... The pages and keywords that must be between RANKED 1 to 4 are : servicio tecnico de notebooks hp -> (in that case, looking for "servicio tecnico de Notebooks HP", too strange that a result without content is showed before the main article ....) servicio tecnico de notebooks -> or any page servicio tecnico de notebooks dell -> Submit an offer If

    €154 (Avg Bid)
    €154 Keskimäär. tarjous
    13 tarjoukset

    Hi, i need someone to fix this VQMOD Module 1. I want generate an invoice date at the same date as i have generate an invoice number . 2. fix tax issue . like if i charge 5% from customer it is showing 82% . 3. replacing footer image of HP and apple with my 4 logo i will provide you 4. Also remove that yellow text line from footer . 5. if possible i can add comment below each product so that i can enter Serial No. of each product separately if i have 2+ product in one invoice each will which its own comment below them 6. After adding this VQMOD there is strange problem appear . every time i delete any order instead of refreshing it . It get stuck

    €19 (Avg Bid)
    €19 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    ...answers, more than 700 , all of them are topic related questions and answers ... In summary, my website is showing pages of 90 comments (with each answer) each one .... The pages and keywords that must be between RANKED 1 to 4 are : servicio tecnico de notebooks hp -> (in that case, looking for "servicio tecnico de Notebooks HP", too strange that a result without content is showed before the main article ....) servicio tecnico de notebooks -> or any page servicio tecnico de notebooks dell -> Submit an offer If

    €147 (Avg Bid)
    €147 Keskimäär. tarjous
    16 tarjoukset Loppunut left

    Tienda web para el comercio de tecnologia. especialmente productos relacionados con conectividad, tablet pec ensamblados y pc de marca HP. equipos de comunicaciones Dlink y HP Networking. Cableado estructurado con TYCO ELECTRONICS.

    €511 (Avg Bid)
    €511 Keskimäär. tarjous
    17 tarjoukset

    Poszukuję Redaktora, który przeprowadzi wywiad, napisze tekst case study z zakresu IT. WYMAGANE: znajomość języka angielskiego, znajomość oprogramowania Microsoft, HP, IBM (nie mówie tu o office ani o drukarkach) tylko o np. serwerach. Proszę o przesyłanie podobnych realizacji.

    min €2
    min €2
    0 tarjoukset

    Design Spanduk, Design Banner, Design Interior and so on ... Bisa pesan langsung melalui nomer Hp saya atau email saya 082118803782 atau ulmyee@

    €91 (Avg Bid)
    €91 Keskimäär. tarjous
    11 tarjoukset
    flashing BB5 Loppunut left

    flashing nokia BB5 tanpa Box. ekstrak infinity box. run BB5.exe. load file konfigurasi sesuai tipe hp.. suppport read/erite RPL BB5. Unlock SL1/sl2/SL3

    €235 - €704
    €235 - €704
    0 tarjoukset

    Hi, i need someone to fix this VQMOD Module 1. I want generate an invoice date at the same date as i have generate an invoice number . 2. fix tax issue . like if i charge 5% from customer it is showing 82% . 3. replacing footer image of HP and apple with my 4 logo i will provide you 4. Also remove that yellow text line from footer . i will pay only after i check your demo . please keep product ready with vat 5% tax applied on it i will only take those bidder serious which answer my below question Q- what is capital city of India

    €15 (Avg Bid)
    €15 Keskimäär. tarjous
    6 tarjoukset

    ...title above each section. 5) Change wordpress CRM so that each page can have custom title, keywords, descriptions. 6) Add a floating contact button with phone number and email access - Contact Us for Free Quote & Wine Cellar Design. floating button plugin for free. 7) On Homepage and contact us page, change phone to 021-62482816. get rid of the 86. 8) Remove bottom picture of people on HP as it has nothing to do with the site. 10) Change gallery photo viewers from overlay to on page. Try to keep them on the primary page rather than using a new page dedicated for gallery. 11) Remove this page: 12) Add a "Successful Cases" Section that we can

    €666 (Avg Bid)
    €666 Keskimäär. tarjous
    16 tarjoukset
    ALL Design Loppunut left

    Design Spanduk, Design Banner, Design Interior and so on ... Bisa pesan langsung melalui nomer Hp saya atau email saya 082118803782 atau ulmyee@

    €188 (Avg Bid)
    €188 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    Hello I have Yii file + SQL file that will make our client data management system, but it needs to have some cosmetic change to match with the other pages of our HP and also need to be coded/ uploaded to our server. We also need a specification document for this system. 1) Cosmetic change to the client data management system (the background/ logo etc, please refer to ) 2) Upload it to our web server 3) Specification document for the system (so I can pass it to any other engineers in the future) 4) Final modification (we'll keep the changes up to five) to the system (in case we need the final fine-tuning) You should see four attachment (if you don't please let me know) and the ppt shows how this system work (the original developer made the system based

    €154 (Avg Bid)
    €154 Keskimäär. tarjous
    7 tarjoukset

    Laptop Akkus und Ladegeräte AC Adapter für Asus, Dell, Acer, Apple, HP / Compaq, IBM, Lenovo, Sony usw. bei store. Alle billige Ersatzakku 15% Rabat! Hochwertige Laptop Akkus.

    €235 - €704
    €235 - €704
    0 tarjoukset

    ...souvenirs, ropa, tazas, recuerdos, etc. La mascota del instituto es un leon, pero siempre se usa uno diferente para cada cosa, no hay uno que se defina como propio. El diseño debe ser pensado para que se pueda bordar o sublimar. Los colores serán negro, ocre, blanco la leyenda

    €84 (Avg Bid)
    €84 Keskimäär. tarjous
    21 tarjoukset

    Responsibilities The QA Training Facilitator will work with the QA, IS and Training organizations to ensure that all QA Training participants receive the knowledge and skills needed to prepare them for a Software Tester or Quality Analyst position. Job Functions • Plan, facilitate, and direct a wide range of QA training activities, including (but not lim...effectively with program stakeholders at all levels, includingtrainees, QA / Test / Training personnel and senior management. • Can successfully transform a group of disparate individuals into a cohesive, collaborative learning team. • Oversee, coordinate and assist in the management of training-related projects including milestones, deliverables and project plans. Additional Desired Skills • HP...

    €46 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €46 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    28 tarjoukset
    Logotipo Leon Loppunut left

    ...souvenirs, ropa, tazas, recuerdos, etc. La mascota del instituto es un leon, pero siempre se usa uno diferente para cada cosa, no hay uno que se defina como propio. El diseño debe ser pensado para que se pueda bordar o sublimar. Los colores serán negro, ocre, blanco la leyenda

    €124 (Avg Bid)
    €124 Keskimäär. tarjous
    23 tarjoukset

    ...program to HP tuch pad ( like kind of calculator program ) We have a scooter rental ( ) and we need a program which INSTALLED TO THE HP TUCH PAD. 1. The program( NOT ONLINE PROGRAM) should have a number pad from 1-50 ( we like to have on the right lower corner of the screen) 2. we will provide you the background ( which will be a the cartoone image from ) YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO DEIGNS ! 3. The program must have buttons ( you can use from main image ) ( only you need to change the manes to OUT, PAY, DISCOUNT,OPENING,CLOSING, CHANGE. 4. The carton background should be visible all the times. 5. The system should write to the screen " like one customer goes to the store - hi i like to have s scoter for one hour" My worker grab the HP tuch pad and

    €28 - €235
    €28 - €235
    0 tarjoukset
    Editing Pics Loppunut left

    sorry for delay... we had some major trouble with our HP these days. 15$ per pic + 30 for your night session We need the .psd files because we will change the mottos from time to time to have some variation. Dimensions: 2000x380, widthxheight : Sophia Hamburg|21 Sophia - Ich glaube an Liebe und an die Ehe, - aber bitte nicht mit demselben Mann. : Alice Hamburg|23 Alice – Leidenschaft ist kein Zufall Sondern Berufung Olivia Berlin|25 Olivia - Verbotene Früchte schmecken am besten. "We definetly need some variation at least by using different colours and gradients (top-down, down-top, right-left...) Maybe you have more innovative ideas. I am not sure if it is good to use too much fonts on the site? Look again at http://www.aphrodite-agency

    €70 (Avg Bid)
    €70 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    ...below. Email address will not be published.” 5. Comments should remain open. 6. Comments are skewed to the left margin – they need to be centered. 7. If lots of comments are posted, show only two and have a button that says READ MORE COMMENTS to make additional ones visible. They do this here: 8. Blog needs to be presentable on mobile devices. Currently there are floating icons over print at the end of each blog (page 2.) Also after a post on page 2, it says welcome to Alan Kingsberg’s blog with a place for a photo. This needs to be removed. (It seems to only be visible on mobile devices. ) 9. New posts need to be treated the same as current ones in terms of blog format and

    €156 (Avg Bid)
    €156 Keskimäär. tarjous
    14 tarjoukset

    ink cheap in vietnam - Mực in, muc in, hộp mực, mực in chính hãng, mực in giá rẻ, mực, mực in phun, mực in Hp, mực in Canon, mực in Epson, mực in Brother, mực in Samsung, mực in Xerox, mực in Ricoh, mực in Konica minolta, mực in Lexmark, mực in Sharp, mực in Panasonic, mực in Toshiba, mực in Laser.

    €9 - €28
    €9 - €28
    0 tarjoukset

    ...program to HP tuch pad ( like kind of calculator program ) We have a scooter rental ( ) and we need a program which INSTALLED TO THE HP TUCH PAD. 1. The program( NOT ONLINE PROGRAM) should have a number pad from 1-50 ( we like to have on the right lower corner of the screen) 2. we will provide you the background ( which will be a the cartoone image from ) YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO DEIGNS ! 3. The program must have buttons ( you can use from main image ) ( only you need to change the manes to OUT, PAY, DISCOUNT,OPENING,CLOSING, CHANGE. 4. The carton background should be visible all the times. 5. The system should write to the screen " like one customer goes to the store - hi i like to have s scoter for one hour" My worker grab the HP tuch pad and

    €236 (Avg Bid)
    €236 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    ...program to HP tuch pad ( like kind of calculator program ) We have a scooter rental ( ) and we need a program which INSTALLED TO THE HP TUCH PAD. 1. The program( NOT ONLINE PROGRAM) should have a number pad from 1-50 ( we like to have on the right lower corner of the screen) 2. we will provide you the background ( which will be a the cartoone image from ) YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO DEIGNS ! 3. The program must have buttons ( you can use from main image ) ( only you need to change the manes to OUT, PAY, DISCOUNT,OPENING,CLOSING, CHANGE. 4. The carton background should be visible all the times. 5. The system should write to the screen " like one customer goes to the store - hi i like to have s scoter for one hour" My worker grab the HP tuch pad and

    €238 (Avg Bid)
    €238 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    I am a vehicle exporter. Currently, I have these for sale. Details as follows: New RHD & LHD Mahindra Scorpio Double Cab 2.5Turbo 4WD Available in White / Black / Silver. Features 2.5 Ltr 105 HP Turbo Diesel Engine ABS Air Bags Alloy Wheels Central Locking Power Windows Power Steering Air Con Audio CD player Snorkel Bullbar C&F major sea port @ USD20,000/= each. I am NOT looking to build website or similar. I require people, companies or agents who have ready customers for such vehicle. Tell me how you will market and sell my cars. I will pay you commission for each car sold, ie fully paid up. Approach me for any questions before you bid. Thank you

    €171 (Avg Bid)
    €171 Keskimäär. tarjous
    4 tarjoukset

    I have a customer which recently moved from Lotus notes to GMAIL. Customer is using HP TRIM (ECM) and they need to have the ability to save email from GMAIL into TRIM. I expect that this requires either a GMAIL APP or a webservices APP. We can help with the TRIM SDK. Customer has more than 1000 users, Australia based customer. Thanks, Kris

    €1617 (Avg Bid)
    €1617 Keskimäär. tarjous
    3 tarjoukset

    ...potential customers through internet research. I have a spreadsheet containing columns for the pieces of information I'm looking for (e.g. Name, URL, Phone, Email, Location, etc.), and I'd like to have someone fill it out. Specs: I'm looking for customers internationally - US, Canada, Australia. The products I have are HP Servers; therefore, I'm looking for customers who are in the business of repairing and/or selling HP Servers (companies who offer or use HP servers or HP server spare parts). To award this project I will need to see a 5 - 10 line sample of your work on this spread. It has to be good - it has to be accurate, with as much info as is available. We can chat about this in more detail later. Compensation depends o...

    €113 (Avg Bid)
    €113 Keskimäär. tarjous
    24 tarjoukset

    We need articles writing for the following titles please (one each): 2 HP's Recycling Targets VS Competitors (balanced argument) 3 How Has Logi Analytics Improved its Big Data Portfolio by Partnering with HP Vertica 4 Historical landmarks In Lanzarote 5 FAQ's Relating To Farm Vehicle Insurance 6 Parts That Make Up A CNC Machining Centre 7 How Is Are Wrought Iron Cone Seat Unions Beneficial For Air, Water, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Applications 8 FAQ's Relating To Commercial Solar 9 What Can CYP Extenders Be Used For? 10 How Does Yamaha (Musical Instrument Manufacturer) Use Neoprene 23 The Health Benefits Related To Fruit 21 How Can I Make The Most Of My Office Space (Include Plants) 24 Keeping Your House Clean On A Budget 5 What Does Livery Yard Insu...

    €70 (Avg Bid)
    €70 Keskimäär. tarjous
    12 tarjoukset

    We need articles writing for the following titles please (one each): 2 What Brand Of Printer Should I Go For? (Positive on HP) 3 How to Avoid Making The 4 Business Intelligence Related Mistakes 4 Historical Landmarks In Gran Canaria 5 Differences Between Insurance Brokers And Companies 6 What Advantages Do Circular Saws Have? 7 What Are Buttweld Fittings? 8 How Can I Save Money With Biomass Boiler Installation 9 Products Available In The CYP Professional Range 10 The Many Benefits Relating To Gasket Material 17 How Do Wet Collectors Help In Wood Dust Extraction? 21 How Can I Prolong The Life Of My Office Plant? 24 DIY On A Budget 5 My Horse Is Insured Do I Need Cover For My Stables Too? If you are interested then please read the guidelines below before bidding: ...

    €70 (Avg Bid)
    €70 Keskimäär. tarjous
    6 tarjoukset