Hi i have got the citizenship of new zealand and i am the developer as well well the task is not that hard lets discuss over cha työt
Hei The Blend Nation, Huomasin profiilisi ja haluaisin tarjota sinulle projektiani. Voisimmeko keskustella yksityiskohdista chatissa.
There is compact powder 3d model with texture with us. We need to make a 3d coin dropping animation with the compact. Also, we need to compose it on a live footage of 15 secs. I will share the reference of animation, 3d model and texture. When we compose it on the footage, it drops from sky takes 2-3 bounces and rolls on the footpath and settles down at last. This is a deadline-based task. I want it by today 7 pm IST. 3d files are attached. Animation Reference -
Sonar scan Jenkin pipeline JAVA
People of all nationalities are wanted. they record a home video with the webcam. And say thank you very much for helping me learn Spanish, in your native language.
Edellytämme tarkkaa silmää ja pelisilmää jonka turvin toistat graafikon visiot yksityiskohtaisesti käyttäen Bootstrap:pia ainakin staattisen HTML:län, CSS:n ja Javascriptin voimalla ja hyvin mielellään osaat tottuneesti käyttää Vue.js:sää jolle tuotetaan sisältöä Ruby on Rails:llä rakennetulla backendillä. Olemme Suomessa johtavassa asemassa oleva, jo vuosikymmeniä toiminut, matkailualan ohjelmistoja tuottava yritys ja rakennamme vanhojen järjestelmien tukemana uutta helppokäyttöistä matkailun verkkokauppa ja toiminnanohjausjärjestelmää start-uphengessä. Työtä on osa-aikaisesti tuntityönä ja kommunikointi etätiimilä...
Xibo CMS - developer / consultant for custom Widget needed We are looking for a freelancer with experience in the Xibo CMS platform configuration and Widget/Module development, for a Digital Signage product. In order to complete this assignment you would be need to be familiar with the following technologies: * PHP, JavaScript, CSS, * Amazon Web Services (existing CodeBuild & CodeDeploy and EC2 environment) * Linux (Ubuntu) * C++ basics (Not absolutely necessary, but might come handy) * Docker In addition of allowing you to use modern development tools, you have the opportunity to witness Digital Signage business from up close. DS is a natural evolution of traditional advertising business, which enables ...
Dataset + python + finance concepts
Task is to include all these pages to the first footer area same style as they currently are on our live site 1. Remember to bring all these theme customisations to inside child theme folder - if this is correct way to work. 2. This modification is only to be done to the main template and the frontpage-template that you created. I want you to create these footer links (shown below) to the second lowest blue footer. These links needs to be nicely located and they need to be responsive with the theme as they are now at Kiinteistönvälittäjä Espoo POINT THIS TEXT TO > önvälittäjä Kiinteistönvälittäjä Helsinki > önv&...
Your task is to design automated solvers for the shift and Vigen`ere ciphers. You must use C as the underlying programming language, in order to get prepared for the following assignments. Each solver should be completely automated, i.e., upon reading a text file containing the target ciphertext (given as command-line argument), it should print the encryption key and the decrypted plaintext without any user interaction. Test your code on the following ciphertexts, and answer these questions: (a) What is the key of the cipher? (b) What is the decrypted plaintext? Ciphertext 1 (shift cipher) ODKBFAXASKBDQEQZFEMPURRUOGXFKZAFRAGZPUZZADYMXMOMPQYUOPUEOUBXU...
online jobs, data entry, offline jobs, html jobs
SPSS Assigment task SPSS Assigment task SPSS Assigment task
in attached ....................................................
Task 1. Take these pages away from the HTML- sitemap: Al – käyttöehdot Al – Kiinteistönvälittäjän kilpailutus Al – kiitos Al – rekisteriseloste Al – tulos Al – Välityspalkkiovertailu Task 2. Enable our text-logo () to all affiliate pages. It is not enabled on our affiliate templates now.
Test order,2600 likes 26 start number need 200 1072 start number need 200 1 start number need 200 45 start number need 200 368 start number need 200 66 start number need 600 732 start number need 1000
Skype task Skype task Skype task Skype task Skype task Skype task Skype task Skype task Skype task Skype task
your final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is re...
hiiii marjan
simple jobsimple jobsimple jobsimple jobsimple jobsimple jobsimple job
Minulla on jatkuvaa työtä, joka liittyy aikaisempaan projektiimme 'HTML- AND SEOEXPERT GET´S THE JOB!'
our customers, our company is looking for website optimization skilled people. We want to hear your views on how you could implement for our customers tehokaita and affordable SEO solutions. What kind of tools you can use? Reporting tools, monitoring tools etc etc. In addition, we would like to hear your views on whether järkeävää our clients to set up a landing page for different domain and optimize the separate sites for different search words. Sell yourself to us! What to give and you have the know-how for our company, and how and where you work consists of Reward
hello yf ifiy fyi fyki fyi fiyfy fy fiyfiyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Simple VHDL taskSimple VHDL taskSimple VHDL taskSimple VHDL taskSimple VHDL taskSimple VHDL taskSimple VHDL taskSimple VHDL taskSimple VHDL taskSimple VHDL taskSimple VHDL taskSimple VHDL taskSimple VHDL task
I need a summary-level report from Zoho's "deals journey" into an Excel file. This report should be filtered by date range, deal status, and salesperson. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in Zoho CRM - Advanced Excel skills - Experience with data filtering and report generation - Ability to deliver tasks on time Please provide your bid if you can assist me with this task.
I'm looking for a skilled Laravel developer to create a new project for me and integrate Elasticsearch into it. The main purpose of using Elasticsearch is to speed up the search functionality of the site. Key requirements include: - Creating a new Laravel project from scratch - Integrating Elasticsearch to enhance search speed - Implementing specific search features such as: - Autocomplete suggestions - Filters and facets - Relevance ranking The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with Laravel and Elasticsearch, and a deep understanding of how to implement and optimize search functionalities. Prior experience with shared hosting environmen...
Hi, Looking for freelancer who can done site visit task and confirm location, further discus about task after freelancer response. Thanks!
3. Add a new section called Fleet Management in Admin. Admin can then load multiple vehicles and assign size and space to each vehicle.