Freelancer: znxked
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2 PDF brochure samples | Scroll down | HQ Link

Greetings! Here's my first samples for your Company Brochure. I have not design all pages because I couldn't find text contents. Please check these two samples and let me know your feedback. Your feedback will be much helpful to improve the design further. I will be needing text contents for rest of the pages. Thank you!

Kilpailutyö #13 kilpailussa                                                 2x Company Broucher (Hard Copy& Digital Version)

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • znxked
    • 5 vuotta sitten

    Please provide your feedback so that I can improve the design. Thank you!

    • 5 vuotta sitten
  • znxked
    • 5 vuotta sitten

    Contains one more slide.

    • 5 vuotta sitten
  • znxked
    • 5 vuotta sitten

    High quality preview link:

    • 5 vuotta sitten
  • znxked
    • 5 vuotta sitten

    • 5 vuotta sitten