Freelancer: Ramazor
Tee ilmoitus työstä

Logo v1.0.

I tried to combine some old nordic architecture with something modern, and I cam up with this. Anything can be modified since it is made from scratch (colors etc.; I usually love to present pure black because I do not know personal liking of my employer). Please leave your suggestions :)

Kilpailutyö #52 kilpailussa                                                 Logotype for villa/house related website

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • christol
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 10 vuotta sitten

    Thank you for your suggestion. As you can see by my likings on the other logos so far I am more looking for a non "Nordic" look.
    It should be a logo where you can see of course that it involves house/villa services and items ... but also that it is a directory service (the site will list other villa/related shoping sites).

    • 10 vuotta sitten
    1. Ramazor
      • 10 vuotta sitten

      Noted. I'll focus more on the services rather than villa itself in my next entry. Thanks for feedback!

      • 10 vuotta sitten