Freelancer: superhubo03
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Mockup 1

Good day! I will later upload my entry (live preview) for better user experience. Made purely with Bootstrap (Linted using Bootlint, variables.less included), Hamburger menu style, animate.css, boilerplate included when selected (Grunt, Less, Bower, NPM and LiveReload). Also, I work as a full-stack developer so I could help you further. Thanks!

Kilpailutyö #11 kilpailussa                                                 One page, long scrolling mobile page; bootstrap; js

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • superhubo03
    • 7 vuotta sitten

    Here's the live preview:

    • 7 vuotta sitten
    1. superhubo03
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      I haven't tested it on other screen devices. Ill fix other screen sizes if selected.

      • 7 vuotta sitten