Freelancer: MohamedPereira
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Meet me Downtown LOGO

Here I present something simple but effective, I hope you like it, if yu have ideas to improve please tell me thanks.

Kilpailutyö #32 kilpailussa                                                 Design a Logo

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • MohamedPereira
    • 7 vuotta sitten

    Good morning, thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked the work.

    Yes I had already done several font, but thought tis font it was more gender of this type of cafe style.

    I will make the changes and sends you several different fonts,

    best regards

    • 7 vuotta sitten
  • JaydeAshworth
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 7 vuotta sitten

    Hi Mohamed,

    We are liking your design, however we would love too see it without the "Perth Cafe" & without the coffee cup.

    We would also like to see a different yet similar font, if able.

    Kind Regards.

    • 7 vuotta sitten