Freelancer: AnnaTaisha
Tee ilmoitus työstä


Hello, sir! This is my design for front and side of the packaging. I'm working on the back and on the other side. Please rate and feedback so I know if I'm on the right path. Thanks in advance!

Kilpailutyö #32 kilpailussa                                                 Create Packaging Designs for Mattress Protectors

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • AnnaTaisha
    • 8 vuotta sitten

    Please let me know if There's anything I can improve on this design for you to like it better! I'll be waiting for your answer. I'm 100% available for any changes. Please let me know. Thanks in advance!

    • 8 vuotta sitten
  • AnnaTaisha
    • 8 vuotta sitten

    Any feedback, sir?

    • 8 vuotta sitten