Freelancer: prof100Floyd
Tee ilmoitus työstä

Professional Logo V9

Dear meganrardenmegan, I've designed a logotype for your company based on the guidelines you gave. My design is modern, clean and professional while maintaining elegant curves. Looking forward to your precious feedback. Thank You! Yours sincerely, prof100Floyd

Kilpailutyö #35 kilpailussa                                                 Design a Logo for a Blog/online store

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • meganrardenmegan
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 8 vuotta sitten

    this is cool….

    • 8 vuotta sitten
    1. prof100Floyd
      • 8 vuotta sitten

      Dear meganrardenmegan, It would be phenomenal if you could rate this design. Also, please tell me if any improvements should be made. Looking forward to hearing from you! Yours sincerely, prof100Floyd

      • 8 vuotta sitten