Recreate our Website, logo, and Banner

  • Tila: Pending
  • Palkinto: $2000
  • Vastaanotetut työt: 0

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • MaxDesigner
    • 10 vuotta sitten

    @Dear Contest Holder, Can you make the contest "Guaranteed" and make it "Extended"? regards.

    • 10 vuotta sitten
  • techmorning
    • 10 vuotta sitten

    Please Review #19

    • 10 vuotta sitten
  • saketmishra01
    • 10 vuotta sitten

    i am working on your project please wait my entry
    Thanking you
    Saket Mishra

    • 10 vuotta sitten
  • suneelkaith
    • 10 vuotta sitten

    sir pls check you private message board thanks you

    • 10 vuotta sitten
  • paullarn
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 10 vuotta sitten

    I am a layman. We will give you access to our site CMS panel if u r a winner. Everything else you have to figure out from our website using a browser for now.

    • 10 vuotta sitten
    1. webgik
      • 10 vuotta sitten

      I asked if you need only PSD or you need the coding too?

      • 10 vuotta sitten
    2. priyakkl
      • 10 vuotta sitten

      It'll be much better if the project is a Guaranteed one!!!

      • 10 vuotta sitten
  • webgik
    • 10 vuotta sitten

    I really want to participate on this contest, but I need to know if you expect a full functional website or only the PSD (the design) ?

    • 10 vuotta sitten
  • joka232
    • 10 vuotta sitten

    Are there any websites you do like the layout of or style of which we can use for some indication of direction you want to go in?

    • 10 vuotta sitten
  • joka232
    • 10 vuotta sitten

    Hello please, could you rate the designs i have uploaded and also seal the contest.

    • 10 vuotta sitten
  • paullarn
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 10 vuotta sitten

    Guys This is not just a logo project. It is for website design with new logos and banner.

    • 10 vuotta sitten
  • webgik
    • 10 vuotta sitten


    You need design + code? What are the steps... in this case. You'll choose the winner and after that he'll make the implementation?

    Can you guarantee the contest or seal so I can start the work?

    • 10 vuotta sitten
    1. webgik
      • 10 vuotta sitten

      Please answer on my question about design + code.

      • 10 vuotta sitten

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