Logo Design for Howard Family Studios

  • Tila: Closed
  • Palkinto: $490
  • Vastaanotetut työt: 2
  • Voittaja: taks0not

Kilpailun tehtävänanto

We produce mobile applications, namely for Android. Target audience will be business users as well as the average consumer.

Suositellut taidot

Työnantajan palaute

“Excellent logo. Would use again.”

Profiilikuva HowardFam, United States.

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • patrickpamittan
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    Congrats tol :)

    • 12 vuotta sitten
    1. taks0not
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      hahah! salamat tol, grats din sayo :D

      • 12 vuotta sitten
  • chandu1988
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    congrats taks0not

    • 12 vuotta sitten
    1. taks0not
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      Thanks chandu!

      • 12 vuotta sitten
  • HowardFam
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    Contest is coming to a close. We will be choosing a winner around 10:30PM Eastern. Thanks for all the participation!

    • 12 vuotta sitten
    1. HowardFam
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      It's a contest that everyone can see and gather inspiration from. We'll remember your poor attitude for the future contests we post! Professionalism is key. Thanks!

      • 12 vuotta sitten
    2. catalinmoraru
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      Professionalism is defined by respecting a design (in this case) that is original an won on it's one, on the other hand it is not defined by fake attitude that will encourage the "inspiration" beahvior. Don't worry your future contests will not be inspired from my designs.

      • 12 vuotta sitten
  • lugas
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    Hey @taks0not NICE ONE.. Congrats mate :)

    • 12 vuotta sitten
    1. zhu2hui
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      CONGRATZ Taks0not !!! :D

      • 12 vuotta sitten
    2. taks0not
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      Thanks Zhu2hui. #269 is awesome! as always :)

      • 12 vuotta sitten
  • edvans
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    1st try #264

    • 12 vuotta sitten
    1. cundurs
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      i like it. good luck

      • 12 vuotta sitten
    2. edvans
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      thanks, but CH don't..hahaha
      thank you pal..good luck

      • 12 vuotta sitten
  • pbgrafix
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    #252 and #251 are really nice. Nice job taks0not

    • 12 vuotta sitten
    1. taks0not
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      Thank you pbgrafix

      • 12 vuotta sitten
  • raymondvillar
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    Hope you like #267 . Thanks.

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • HowardFam
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    It's coming down to the wire! We have rejected all the entries that we seriously wouldn't pick. What's left are the one we are on the fence about. Keep the entries coming though! We may be surprised in the final day.

    Thanks for all the excellent work!

    • 12 vuotta sitten
    1. ryanpujado11
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      Hi #238,#240 . Made the font larger.Thanks

      • 12 vuotta sitten
  • kenjiecuarto
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    #231 and #232 thanks :D

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • kenjiecuarto
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    #229 and #230

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • catalinmoraru
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    #225 and #226

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • catalinmoraru
    • 12 vuotta sitten


    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • ryanpujado11
    • 12 vuotta sitten


    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • ryanpujado11
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    #211 pls.Thanks!

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • raymondvillar
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    i mean #202 .

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • raymondvillar
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    like #200 ?

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • HowardFam
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    We are asking to you incorporate both Android and iPhone/iOS into the logo, as done in #188.

    • 12 vuotta sitten
    1. hussainasif76
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      kindly check out #196

      • 12 vuotta sitten
    2. hussainasif76
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      kindly check out #195

      • 12 vuotta sitten
  • STrangethoughts
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    please check #194


    • 12 vuotta sitten
    1. HowardFam
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      "Studio" should be "Studios." Maybe add an iPhone-like device to the left side of the logo since the Android on the right seems odd with nothing else on the other side.

      • 12 vuotta sitten
  • Clarify
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    #192 #193 thank you

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • graphicsavvy
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    please check #187

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • raymondvillar
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    And #179.

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • raymondvillar
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    Kindly check #176. Thanks

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • leapday
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    I added a flying robot to #164. Any better?

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • HowardFam
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    And the reason why we wanted characterized versions of ourselves is because we wanted something that showed personality. We didn't want something to convey a strict, rigid, corporate structure. We are start up company that will be seeking funding from investors. Half the battle is getting them to like you so we wanted something lively and interesting. That is all.

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • HowardFam
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    I believe those saying you cannot use the Android robot are incorrect. The branding guidelines are posted on the developer site to help app developers and users brand their apps and websites. "Use our icons and guidelines to display the Android brand on your website or collateral."

    Extremely popular sites using a modified Android robot AS their logo.

    Point is, there are examples of it being used in logos and Google clearly states it can be freely used. This is their guideline to everyone, not phone manufacturers.Android is a part of what we do. This logo might not be exclusively used on the website, possibly in conjunction with our Android app advertising.

    Conclusion is to just keep creating nice designs. We like a few so far but this contest is far from over. As you can see, we have chosen a few that do not have the Android or cartoon in them as 5-Star as well so we are open-minded. Thanks.

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • catalinmoraru
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    #152 Without android roobot.
    I kindly ask hussainasif76 to stop hacking my design (#149 it is not a version made by me and for all i know it is not a good one) , be original. Thanks

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • hussainasif76
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    Dear HowardFam: checkout #149 n #150

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • HowardFam
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    Clarification on the Android logo:


    Basically you can use it so feel free to continue implenting it in creative ways.

    • 12 vuotta sitten
    1. pbgrafix
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      Again, using the logo/robot is okay if used in marketing products. Using the Logo/robot in YOUR logo is not permitted. Besides, why would you want another company's branding in yours? Isn't that whole point of this contest, to create your company identity?

      • 12 vuotta sitten
    2. sangkavr
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      pbgrafix is right, you can't use it. Just for marketing products, and I don't think you're Samsung and you're launching new android phone :-)
      Again, do you really want that a comix illustration as your company identity??? Think about it.

      • 12 vuotta sitten
  • leapday
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    Are you trying to look like the Obamas? I can do that too. What do you think of #137, #138?
    What kind of hairdo do you want? What sort of studio is it? Are you trying to be like Glamour Shots?

    • 12 vuotta sitten
    1. HowardFam
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 12 vuotta sitten

      lol. No we're not trying to look like the Obamas, I guess that's just how we look. In the description it explains what we will be producing.

      • 12 vuotta sitten
  • yousha377
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    please rate && feedback for #104

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • catalinmoraru
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    #134 with some adjustments. Hope it is what you're looking for. Thank you

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • HowardFam
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    I am not able to check every single PM, sorry. Freelancer isn't giving any indicator of a PM besides an email and I'm getting flooded with those. I will see if there is a setting I'm missing so it will notify me on the site about PMs.

    in the meantime, we will try to leave as much feedback as possible.

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • dannymitza
    • 12 vuotta sitten

    Check #132 and PMB please. Thanks!

    • 12 vuotta sitten
  • catalinmoraru
    • 12 vuotta sitten


    • 12 vuotta sitten

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