Freelancer: mujahidszaofari
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Draw me a female

Hey...this is my next entry...Colored OC...please let me know if something needs to be changed...regards

Kilpailutyö #56 kilpailussa                                                 Draw me a female reference sheet inspired by my Furry Character into a Human OC

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • OverLordJessica
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 1 vuosi sitten

    You snuck that shield in didn’t you XD I didn’t notice it till now. I actually like the wrist more from the very first sketch than the little shield here, can you change that back?

    • 1 vuosi sitten
    1. OverLordJessica
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 1 vuosi sitten

      Don’t worry about the shield not being there, it doesn’t have to be in this reference sheet now that i find it less important in it.

      • 1 vuosi sitten
  • OverLordJessica
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 1 vuosi sitten

    It wasn’t what I was expecting but I actually like this color palette way better! Mine would probably have gone well but this works better. Don’t change the palette, i like it.

    • 1 vuosi sitten
  • mujahidszaofari
    • 1 vuosi sitten

    If you are interested in this color palette... I will continue with coloring in various angles

    • 1 vuosi sitten