Design a Brochure for some commercial office furniture
- Tila: Closed
- Palkinto: $312
- Vastaanotetut työt: 12
- Voittaja: StrujacAlexandru
Kilpailun tehtävänanto
i would also like every freelancer that intends on submitting an entry to message me straight away, telling me they are going to enter
what i need is 2 things. A brochure and a pricelist. the brochure needs to be classy, attractive and professional. the pricelist, does not need to look as good as the brochure as it will be used just to give prices on the products in the brochure. So the brochure is what needs to look good, and have most of the time spent in designing it well.
I have included a document below called 'furniture catalogue overall description' and in this there is a full description of what i want the catalogue and pricelist to include.
the pictures i want of each product are the files called 'furniture pictures 1-4' - these are just the melamine furniture, not the chairs. the chair pictures i do not have yet, i will have them soon. when i get them, i will upload into this contest.
the file called colours has in it files with the different colours the chairs are available in. i will need you to include a couple of pages in the pricelist showing the different colours it is available in.
i have made it run for the full 30 days, this is so freelancers can submit their entrys and i will have time to get corrections made, so i really want all the entrys in within about 15-20 days or before then...
Suositellut taidot
Julkinen selvennystaulu
Kilpailun järjestäjä - 11 vuotta sitten
How long before some of you will be submiting designs?
I would like some fairly soon...
thanks- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
Hey, I saw you invited me but you know what? Hiring someone better than contest on because most of the expert designers don't attend in contest.
- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
hi! please check and rate #7 and #8 . My entries for brochure and price list are based on an original design, modern and easy to adjust. ready when you are! regards!
- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
Expect feedback... You are silent for long days.....
- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
Would you like a landscape form as all your images are in landscape form. Thanks?
- 11 vuotta sitten
Näytä 1 viesti lisää-
- 11 vuotta sitten
Yeah, I have read and it's OK. Thanks
- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
But I have asked becoz you also said: ". I was thinking 210mm x 210mm – which is the same width as an A4 sheet but is shorter in height. But I do not need it to be this size, if you think you have a better size, then let me know and show me what your size will look like."that's why I was asking. Anyway, I am going with the 210x 210. Thanks.
- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
Thanks a lot for your kind invitation.
- 11 vuotta sitten
Kilpailun järjestäjä - 11 vuotta sitten
How are you all going with this project?
thanks...- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
Hey Lesterp,
I m in for this good opportunity.
I have gone through everything and confident to submit something great and useful.- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
Good day Lesterp, I will be participating in this contest. Cheers!
- 11 vuotta sitten
Kilpailun järjestäjä - 11 vuotta sitten
You will all notice i have now uploaded our logo it is called ''
i have also included a lot of our past project photos for you to use whenever you think you should. these are the files called 'Past Project Photos 1' and all the way up to 5...
thanks- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
Great, thanks.
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Kilpailun järjestäjä - 11 vuotta sitten
the size should be in the descriptions isn't it?
- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
Hi Lesterp,
Just one question (for now): Why you don't choose a winner (close the contest) in your previous contest for the same product?
Have a nice day!- 11 vuotta sitten
Kilpailun järjestäjä - 11 vuotta sitten
Yes, thats right
- 11 vuotta sitten
Kilpailun järjestäjä - 11 vuotta sitten
The reason i haven't is that i am working on some changes by email before i award the project...
- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
I'm in for this project
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Kilpailun järjestäjä - 11 vuotta sitten
Sorry, i forgot to put the company name and logo on there!
i will upload these and also some photos of past projects...- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
can you provide a hi res photo from a previous fit-out? i need it for the category feature page. thanks
- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
count me in
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what's the company name, logo?
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- 11 vuotta sitten
already started
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- 11 vuotta sitten
I will enter
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- 11 vuotta sitten
Am in for this one
- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
I will enter this contest.
- 11 vuotta sitten
- 11 vuotta sitten
Hi I am ready to start this PM me with any request/ideas and I will get started ASAP.
- 11 vuotta sitten
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