Freelancer: IronUra
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animation gif -

Kilpailutyö #61 kilpailussa                                                 Create me an animated logo for my website

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • IronUra
    • 1 vuosi sitten

    If you want to change anything else (colors, positions, etc.), please let me know

    • 1 vuosi sitten
  • plustre
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 1 vuosi sitten

    It's very nice, well done. I'll ask for a few improvements, but give me some time. We will also use it as a preloader. Thank you very much for your time.

    • 1 vuosi sitten
    1. IronUra
      • 1 vuosi sitten

      update gif animation -

      • 1 vuosi sitten
    2. IronUra
      • 1 vuosi sitten

      gif preloader

      • 1 vuosi sitten
  • IronUra
    • 1 vuosi sitten

    gif preloader -

    • 1 vuosi sitten
  • plustre
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 1 vuosi sitten

    Hello i need some changes please check ->

    1) I wiped Pixie's outstretched finger, and placed the wand right where her fingers touch.

    2) I made the cv icon a little smaller and placed it vertically.

    except for my requests above (just to see)

    * Can you make the colors of your CV design in harmony with the blue tones?
    * and add "out glow" to your background? (I will use it as a Preloader in page transitions, maybe you can suggest appropriate minimalist updates?)

    • 1 vuosi sitten
    1. plustre
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 1 vuosi sitten

      also some parts of the pixie look broken (it looks like it wasn't fully cleaned, especially the skirt) This is just how it looks in the demo, right?

      • 1 vuosi sitten
    2. IronUra
      • 1 vuosi sitten

      Thank you very much, ok, I will edit it

      • 1 vuosi sitten

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