Freelancer: ctmate
Tee ilmoitus työstä

Simple Button animations

Hi! It wasn't possible to attach any video files, so I uploaded my Entry to my Vimeo account. It's password protected, the pass is: freelancer I hope you like them, if you've got any thoughts about any of them, please let me know. I can reedit in no time. Cheers, Matt

Kilpailutyö #3 kilpailussa                                                 Quick Logo Animations

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • morneandrews
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 10 vuotta sitten

    Hi. Thanks for your entry. What is the login details of your vimeo account? I need an email address or something. Cant you just send me the links to watch? Thanks

    • 10 vuotta sitten
    1. ctmate
      • 10 vuotta sitten

      Sorry i forgot to post the link:
      the password is: freelancer

      • 10 vuotta sitten
    2. ctmate
      • 10 vuotta sitten

      I also changed the grow logo animation to this:
      the password is also: freelancer

      • 10 vuotta sitten