Freelancer: rasmichimakurti
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Sweeter Fruits

As per your requirement, I have developed a look for the fruits on the tallest tree look more desirable. With capable people going after the same fruits. Even though there are shorter trees bearing same fruits all around. Please let me know if you like the work. If there are minor additions you would like to do the work, please do get in touch. I have provided with a lot of open area for breathing room in the picture. Pink and green being complimentary colors have been chosen for this work, which makes the whole scene an pretty evening scene.

Kilpailutyö #18 kilpailussa                                                 I want some cartoon to be drawn

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • ronobir1
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 3 vuotta sitten

    can you show that many other people are running to this tree . some are even passing nearby of other fruitful tree. but they are not climbing there.

    • 3 vuotta sitten
    1. rasmichimakurti
      • 3 vuotta sitten

      Okay Sure. I am sorry, I hadn't seen your message before. Not an issue. shall give it to you asap.

      • 3 vuotta sitten