Freelancer: shoaibramim02
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Painless Tattoo Promotional Pin Designs

Here are some designs, there is a colourful design for which I can provide 8sec long video animation. Video file is not permitted on this entry, so will provide upon acceptance. Thanks and Best regards, Shoaib

Kilpailutyö #4 kilpailussa                                                 I need 5 images for a Pinterest Marketing Campaign

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • elibslc
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 2 vuotta sitten

    I like the format & concept! Really good. Only thing it's missing is the eye catching element. Such as a nice tattoo or something worked in somewhere - like the background, etc.

    • 2 vuotta sitten
    1. shoaibramim02
      • 2 vuotta sitten

      Hi! Thanks for your feedback. I actually thought about using images, then gave it up to lessen the copyright issues. Can you provide any photos to put on, or should I put something royalty-free? I'll be glad to hear from you again. Best regards

      • 2 vuotta sitten
    2. shoaibramim02
      • 2 vuotta sitten

      Hey, I've designed some more with photos! Kindly check out the entry #19 please.

      • 2 vuotta sitten
  • elibslc
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 2 vuotta sitten

    1, 3, & 4

    • 2 vuotta sitten