Freelancer: AlexZWoahWeb
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Nearing Final

(This design is a slight Variation on my last entry) (Same text) After quite a bit of work, here is the full page. I've added a couple ideas for you to review according to your feedback. I liked your ideas and I think they're helping shape the website. Communication is key to successful design. The featured clients section of course would use better rendered logos, but for now that is the draft and animation wise it would scroll right to left. Mouseover effects would add another level to this website I believe, especially in the square area. And the slider with quality content. The background/top image like stated before, once the perfect photo is chosen, will really help bring everything together. Thanks again for viewing and I hope we're on the right track to your vision of a great website.

Kilpailutyö #35 kilpailussa                                                 Home Page Design for a Corporate Site ( Would evolve into long term contract)

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