Freelancer: mishineva
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condo 2 & 3

Hello.I move the WC around a little bit.If we keep everything the way it is now and add another door from the entry to the bathroom ( condo B.jpg ) then the guest can reach the bathroom without going through the bedroom ,I also replaced the bath tub with window bench , where you can relax,read and enjoy the view :).In condo A I mirrored the bathroom , so you can access the toilet from the dining room .However I think condo B is better , because that way the bathroom (toilet) is further away from the living room and it would require less plumbing als you avoid unpleasant noises right next to the place you eat and entertain :)

Kilpailutyö #6 kilpailussa                                                 Floor plan/interior ideas for sub-penthouse condo (1000sq feet)

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  • chrislastiwka
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 9 vuotta sitten

    Very cool. I like what you've done with the bathroom in condo B. Creating a space for guests while also keeping it a private space connected to the master bedroom. Thanks for the entry

    • 9 vuotta sitten