Freelancer: TemplateDigitale
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Website Mockup

Hello, this is my Homepage preview built on a Bootstrap grid (Responsive for Desktop, Tablet and Mobile) and employing a polished style with carbon patterns. I am at your disposal for any changes. Regards.

Kilpailutyö #39 kilpailussa                                                 Design a Website Mockup for a (chip)Tuning company

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • TemplateDigitale
    • 9 vuotta sitten

    new versione #56

    • 9 vuotta sitten
  • underdogdesign
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 9 vuotta sitten

    Hi There, thanks for this design. I like the ay you are taking this, and the design feels solid enough. it does feel however that once at content, the design becomes a little more 'dull' - not much color, simple sober. ALso the flames behind the tiles are not nice at all :)

    I really like the top part of the design, it gets a little weak down the header.

    • 9 vuotta sitten
    1. underdogdesign
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 9 vuotta sitten

      any idea of update time?

      • 9 vuotta sitten
    2. TemplateDigitale
      • 9 vuotta sitten


      I've just posted the new proposal, it's in pending approval by

      • 9 vuotta sitten