Freelancer: JohnGarzon
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nature´s Best Clean by John Garzón

To build a brand must be aware that what you want to communicate clearly and will perceive our clients and the rapid association with our service.

Kilpailutyö #43 kilpailussa                                                 Design a Logo for cleaning business.

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • JohnGarzon
    • 8 vuotta sitten

    Thank you that is exactly the idea, have a clear understanding of your core business, I am glad you like it.

    • 8 vuotta sitten
  • paigeshelton25
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 8 vuotta sitten

    I really love this design. It shows that we serve residential and commercial and that we are green. Great work!

    • 8 vuotta sitten