Freelancer: aykutayca
Tee ilmoitus työstä


Here is our design for you sir. It will be a perfect fit for your website. Its minimalistic yet effective. We hope you like this one :)

Kilpailutyö #8 kilpailussa                                                 Design a Logo for

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • NewGenTeam
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 8 vuotta sitten

    I aksed the top 5 designers to submit their changes somewhere I could view them and the others all have already submitted their changes, and I wanted to give you a chance to do so as well before I make the decision.

    • 8 vuotta sitten
    1. aykutayca
      • 8 vuotta sitten here it is sir. Thanks for the opportunity :)

      • 8 vuotta sitten
  • NewGenTeam
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 8 vuotta sitten

    please do try another submission or two.

    • 8 vuotta sitten
    1. aykutayca
      • 8 vuotta sitten

      i will upload the link in a minute 1 second please

      • 8 vuotta sitten
    2. aykutayca
      • 8 vuotta sitten here it is sir.

      • 8 vuotta sitten
  • NewGenTeam
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 8 vuotta sitten

    To remind you, the designed whop's logo is chosen will also be given the first opportunity to create another 5 to 6 logos for a flat fee should they wish to take on the job.

    • 8 vuotta sitten
  • NewGenTeam
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 8 vuotta sitten

    I like the concept of the drone pulling away the letters of fly like you have done. I'd really like to see some other examples from you, perhaps some with more colors and/or an example that all "fits" and :"fills" a rectangle if that makes sense. Right now if I was to put a straight border all the way around your logo, there would be too much empty & deserted space. Try to make the logo fill out the space more in one example if you wish.

    • 8 vuotta sitten

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