Freelancer: IqbalRamdhani
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Diba Logo Proposal

Hello, I'm a graphic designer. I really done with your logo, here my proposal. i hope you like it. if you want a revision or you want additional design just contact me. Thank you Iqbal

Kilpailutyö #109 kilpailussa                                                 Creating a branding kit for an African beauty company

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • dibawssette
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 3 vuotta sitten

    Hello, I like where this isgoing. Here are my comments:
    -no woman on the logo
    -drawings should be another part of the branding kit and should be similar or an upgraded version of what we have
    -I am not a fan of the colors cheme. it doesnot gowellwith makeup
    -The logo still need to work too..not a fanof the font

    • 3 vuotta sitten
    1. IqbalRamdhani
      • 3 vuotta sitten

      Thank you so much, if you like. As soon as possible i will resent a revision for you.

      • 3 vuotta sitten