Freelancer: abdullahlingga
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Good day. Please rate my concept sir. You will notice the two types of top menu, one is for unregistered users and for the logged in users. Please give feedback sir so that I can improve the design. Thank you.

Kilpailutyö #28 kilpailussa                                                 Create a new beautiful slick mobile responsive design-functional template! Win Additional work too!

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • abdullahlingga
    • 6 vuotta sitten

    The tooltips in the projects are when users hovered the icons, so instead of using words to categorize the projects I used icons.

    • 6 vuotta sitten
  • abdullahlingga
    • 6 vuotta sitten

    I will finish the footer area tomorrow since it almost 12 am here. :)

    but for now can you rate the design sir? Thank you.

    • 6 vuotta sitten