Freelancer: LostFrame
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Cash Vault Demo Animation

Hi, this is clean and modern Cash Vault Demo Animation. If you choose me as a winner, I will do any additional changes you want. Preview link:

Kilpailutyö #26 kilpailussa                                                 Cash Vault Demo

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • LostFrame
    • 7 vuotta sitten

    Hi, here is version 5. Rate and comment please. Preview Link:

    • 7 vuotta sitten
    1. gacevw
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      Beautiful!! i like

      • 7 vuotta sitten
    2. LostFrame
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      Thanks for a feedback. If you want any additional changes, please let me know.

      • 7 vuotta sitten
  • gacevw
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 7 vuotta sitten

    Love the synchronization capturing the other events very creative quite impressed

    • 7 vuotta sitten
    1. LostFrame
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      I will send you a new version soon.

      • 7 vuotta sitten
    2. LostFrame
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      Hi, here is version 5. Rate and comment please. Preview Link:

      • 7 vuotta sitten
  • LostFrame
    • 7 vuotta sitten

    I don't understand your last reply. Can you give me some guidance in which second of animation, do you want to see what? What is missing? In details, please. Thanks.

    • 7 vuotta sitten
  • LostFrame
    • 7 vuotta sitten

    Hi, thanks for a feedback again. I will change the USD symbol to naira. About the events that are not captured fully: 1. The funds are leaving to a secure holding right after Reservation Successful screen and phone getting smaller. 2. I think it is obvious that the Dispatch personnel or delivery guy checks the code before releasing the package, thats why the customer shows the code to them. Further animation would just complicate the story and confuse the potential users of application. 3. If the display messages disappear there would be a blank space (bad design). The audience wont stare at text because there is animation going on and the text is static, that is a fact. You must not underestimate the users. If they can use smartphones and computers they are not dumb.

    • 7 vuotta sitten
    1. gacevw
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      Don't think i get this one "1. The funds are leaving to a secure holding right after Reservation Successful screen and phone getting smaller" watched the video multiple times to check whether i missed it struggling to find it unless your implying to something else

      • 7 vuotta sitten
    2. LostFrame
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      I don't understand your last reply. Can you give me some guidance in which second of animation, do you want to see what? What is missing? In details, please. Thanks.

      • 7 vuotta sitten
  • LostFrame
    • 7 vuotta sitten

    Hi, here is the version 4.The funds (naira symbol) is going in to a cash vault from the phone (after getting smaller) and then the dispatch personnel getting the message for reservation. Rate and comment please, if you need any additional changes. Preview link v4:

    • 7 vuotta sitten
    1. gacevw
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      Lost to the way item ii is being captured sent video link to get other views and everyone in agreement on the fact that nothing illustrating item ii

      Only update can easily decipher in V4.0 is the change in the currency and a good attempt to capture item vi though still struggling to see how the service is validating the vault code provided; please take your time do not need a rushed attempt you have a good concept with the way your synchronizing the events

      Finally in the sequence of events its actually ii, iii then iv (customer can receives vault code as merchant is getting notified but this is after illustration for movement of funds into a secured holding) also it seemed you missed out one of the constraints

      “Illustration should incorporate animated/interactive characters in describing above events with only cited display message as the text present within video animation.” Including text to provide a response for merchant validating on site is not allowed.

      • 7 vuotta sitten
  • LostFrame
    • 7 vuotta sitten

    Hi, here is my third version. Rate and comment please. Preview link v3:

    • 7 vuotta sitten
    1. gacevw
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      Beautiful big improvement on the previous entries; you completely nailed the event for capturing the payments very impressed you are on the right track!!!.

      Noticed these events were not captured fully:

      ii. Funds leaving customer account to a secure holding

      Vi. Dispatch personnel delivering good to consumer, requesting for vault code and inputting in device (mobile or tablet) “waiting for service validation to confirm code is authentic” before releasing goods to consumer

      vii. Consumer going to collection Depot to view purchased good, provide vault code, merchant “customer service rep” inputting code provided on desktop/interface “waiting for service validation to confirm code is authentic” and releasing good to consumer

      • 7 vuotta sitten
    2. gacevw
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      Also display messages should disappear after all the characters have appeared so audience can concentrate on the illustration “visuals” to infer the message being communicated, hence reason for editing the brief to ensure the audience can relate with events even without the display messages.

      Finally for real-time settlement to all the parties (please use naira symbol not USD symbol)

      • 7 vuotta sitten
  • LostFrame
    • 7 vuotta sitten

    Preview link version 2:

    • 7 vuotta sitten
    1. gacevw
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      Also seems you missed removing mobile number being shown in the payment app (on providing mb number to process payment display of mobile number should not be present)

      • 7 vuotta sitten
    2. gacevw
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      Please look through the contest been updated to emphasize use of interactive characters using characters less tech ppl can relate with

      • 7 vuotta sitten
  • gacevw
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 7 vuotta sitten

    sorry meant or not of with regards the text alignment

    • 7 vuotta sitten
    1. gacevw
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      The display messages should be several lines first line should have only 1 word other lines should not exceed a max of 4 words and last line should be a max of 1 word e.g below:

      Settlement to all the
      Parties within the
      Value chain

      • 7 vuotta sitten
  • gacevw
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 7 vuotta sitten

    On the payment app state to capture mobile number "mobile number should be present" on the assumption you missed it out

    • 7 vuotta sitten
    1. gacevw
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      Other than that perfect illustration

      • 7 vuotta sitten
    2. gacevw
      Kilpailun järjestäjä
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      on the display messages prefer each word that comprises of the display message is transitioned after each other with left alignment of right not centered and after all the words that comprise of the display message appear "whole display message disappears"

      • 7 vuotta sitten
  • gacevw
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 7 vuotta sitten

    I like how you captured the payment very impressive

    • 7 vuotta sitten
    1. LostFrame
      • 7 vuotta sitten

      Thanks for a feedback. Do you want any additional changes to the animation?

      • 7 vuotta sitten

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