Freelancer: JohnnyK13
Tee ilmoitus työstä

Amsterdamman Webpage

I put a lot of effort in these. Hope you like it.

Kilpailutyö #10 kilpailussa                                                 Build a three page for an e-commerce Store

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • Amsterdamman
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 8 vuotta sitten

    it has a very nice consistent and clean feel to it. The visitor is not made to work very hard for the information. Is the page also designed for mobile devices?

    • 8 vuotta sitten
    1. JohnnyK13
      • 8 vuotta sitten

      I didn't make mobile versions, but can be done.

      • 8 vuotta sitten