Freelancer: freeland972
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is this the right one? still left 4 hours for me to upload in here, if contest end, we can talk with chat about revision. thank you for your feedback

Kilpailutyö #31 kilpailussa                                                 A Pet Peeking Out A Window

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • normancc
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 6 vuotta sitten

    Thank you! You've made another step in your current revision to closer to what I wish for to see in a Peeking Out Window sketch. Only 3 things left. (1) Can you show a few whiskers on her left and right sides (you can refer to my kitten reference sketch design), and (2) Further lighten on her showing more lighter grey. Then it will probably be it!!! :)

    • 6 vuotta sitten