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2 vastausta

Ritz Digitals
Ritz Digitals
vastasi Mar 30, 2016
Palkkaa minut

Indesign & QuarkXpress are designed for professional and for dedicated user for print & digital publications. Whereas for publishing are a bundle package distributed through Microsoft Office. It's a part off office suite that means it's part of a business applications particularly targeted for managers, ceo etc.

Let's see like this:
A, B, & C are different kind of vehicles. A: Ferrari, B: Rollce Royce & C: A small 3 Wheeler kind of vehicle. All these vehicles move and tranports. The only difference are luxury and speed compared to "C".

Hope the above example is ok. Do let me know if you need any further information

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vastasi Feb 8, 2016
Palkkaa minut

I never used Microsoft so I don't know about that. But I used lot & still used InDesign & QuarkXpress. I very much like to work with InDesign. It is the best Page Maker Software in the world. I sometimes used QuarkXpress for DOT printing (for fabric used). Otherwise InDesign used mostly & also very good integrations between Illustrator & Photoshop.

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